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題 名 | 休閒農業遊憩動機、遊憩體驗與旅遊地意象之內容分析與中介關係檢定=Content and Mediation Analysis to Tourism Motivation, Tourism Experience and Destination Image for Leisure Agriculture |
作 者 | 黃麗君; 張淑惠; | 書刊名 | 農林學報 |
卷 期 | 63:1 2014.03[民103.03] |
頁 次 | 頁41-54 |
分類號 | 992.62 |
關鍵詞 | 休閒農業; 因素分析; 複迴歸分析; Leisure agriculture; Factory analysis; Multiple regression analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 過去學者於休閒農業遊憩動機與遊憩體驗之研究上,多著墨於兩者對旅遊地之短期市場效益之影響,如遊客忠誠度、滿意度與旅遊支出等,對兩者的永續性市場效益卻缺乏相關研究。是故,本研究以新社鄉為例,探討休閒農業旅遊中,遊憩動機、遊憩體驗與旅遊地意象之構面內涵,並探討遊憩體驗對其他兩者關係之中介效應。透過遊客問卷調查,本研究共取得有效樣本436份。透過因素分析、Pearson相關係數分析與複迴歸分析,本研究結果顯示,遊客對休閒農業之遊憩動機包括調劑身心、體驗鄉居生活型態與文化、重建自我、隨興出遊與促進人際情感交流。遊客對休閒農業的遊憩體驗則包括自然美景的享受、重振活力、遊憩活動的參與、對當地區域文化的體驗。在旅遊地意象方面,遊客容易對休閒農業醞釀出對當地的消費價格、自然景觀、環境氛圍、社會人文與遊憩設施等方面之印象與認知。研究結果亦顯示遊憩體驗對遊憩動機與旅遊地意象之關聯性存在著中介效果,此研究發現顯示於休閒農業發展中,遊憩體驗內容規劃的重要性。妥善的體驗活動規劃,有助協助遊客建立起對農業旅遊地的意象認知,並連結遊客的旅遊動機至旅遊地意象的建構,對於休閒農業的永續性地方意象的營造具有顯著性的功效。 |
英文摘要 | Most of previous studies which aimed at the topics of tourism motivation and experience in leisure agriculture were mainly focused on the effects of these two variables to the short-term market benefits, such as tourist loyalty, satisfaction, expenditure, etc. The long-term market benefits of tourism motivation and experience for leisure agriculture are rarely discussed. This study was addressed for this deficiency. With the case of leisure agriculture of Shinshe County, this study clarified the context of tourism motivation, tourism experience and destination image, as well as the mediation effects of tourism experience on the relationship between tourism motivation and destination image. Via tourist questionnaire survey, a total of 436 questionnaires were valid for statistical analysis. With factor analysis, Pearson correlation coefficients, and multiple regression analysis, the study results indicated that the context of tourism motivation for leisure agriculture is the relaxing of body and mind, the experience of the life style and culture of the country side, self-reconstruction, impulse motivation, and to facilitate social relationship. The context for tourism experience was the beauty of nature, revitalization, activity participation, and the experience of local cultures. The context for destination image was the price of expenditure, landscapes, environmental atmosphere, social cultures and recreation facilities. Study results also indicated that tourism experience revealed an intermediary effect on the relationship between tourism motivation and destination image. Such finding implies the importance of the tourism activity planning for the development of leisure agriculture. An appropriate plan for the tourism activities helps tourists to build up their imagination toward the destination in leisure agriculture, as well as to link tourists' motivations to the construction of destination image. Tourism experience reveals substantial value for building sustainable destination image for leisure agriculture. |