- 影響國小學生學業成就的因果機制--以臺北市和臺東縣作比較
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- 不同社經背景小學生的數學科學業成就、文化資本、經濟暨財務資本、及社會資本關係之差異
- 文化資本、社會資本、財務資本與原住民學生學業成就關係之文獻探討
- 臺灣國三生原漢族群與其他出身背景透過社會資本、文化資本、財務資本對學業成就之影響
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- 母親對子女學業成就的影響:文化資本、經濟資源、與監督角色的比較
- 臺灣地區教育階層化之變遷--檢證社會資本論、文化資本論及財務資本論在臺灣的適用性
- 臺灣地區家庭背景對就讀公/私立學校與受教育年數的影響:並檢證文化資本論財務資本論社會資本論之適用性
題 名 | 影響國小學生學業成就的因果機制--以臺北市和臺東縣作比較=Mechanism Affecting Elementary School Students' Achievement: A Comparison between Taitung County and Taipei Municipality |
作 者 | 巫有鎰; | 書刊名 | 教育研究集刊 |
卷 期 | 43 1999.07[民88.07] |
頁 次 | 頁213-242 |
分類號 | 523.378 |
關鍵詞 | 文化資本; 社會資本; 學業成就; Cultural capital; Social capital; Academic achievement; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在由比較台北市與台東縣國小學生學業成就的差異中,探討影響學業 成就的因果機制。本研究以分層叢集隨機取樣,抽取台北市與台東縣國小五年級學生1051 人為樣本,以自編問卷及自編國語、數學科成就測驗為工具,主要採用因素分析及路徑分析 等方法。結果發現:地區間學業成就的差異乃是相關背景因素(如族別、家庭社經地位、家 庭結構)透過中介變項(如文化資本、社會資本、財務資本)而影響學業成就,R Square為.43。 Bourdieu的「形式文化資本」並未獲得有力支持,但證實「社會資本」會透過影響學童教育 抱負,進而影響成績。台東縣業成就比台北市低許多(p<.05),台東縣除社會資本、財務資本 較低外,原住民比例較高也是重要原因。原住民學生學業成就低落的原因可能為:家庭社經 地位較低、父母教育期望較低、家庭結構不佳(如單親、隔代家庭比例偏高及兄弟姊妹人數 較多),且原住民學生較常表現抽煙、喝酒、嚼檳榔……等習慣,均不利於成績。 |
英文摘要 | Probing factors affecting elementary school achievement reveals the extent to which educational opportunity is equal. Earlier studies show that Taitung falls far below metropolitan areas. However, little is said about the mechanisms at play. Identifying these mechanisms is a great step toward effecting a remedy. This study aims to probe the causal mechanisms by comparing achievement data from Taitung County and Taipei Municipality. The results are interpreted in terms of social capital, cultural capital and local characteristics. Data was gathered from 1051 5 grade students selected by stratified random cluster sampling using questionnaires and achievement tests in Chinese and mathenatics developed by the researcher. Standard statistical methods were used. Major findings are summarized below: 1.Achievement in Taitung was found to be lower than Taipei, students from non-aboriginal towns and villages scoring the lowest. It was found that difference was largely attributable to background factors, and intervening variables by controlling for these. 2.The influence of background factors is mediated by intervening variables such as cultural and social capital, financial capital and educational aspirations. 3.Specific cultural resources ( betel-nut, cigarettes, alcohol, personal hygiene, homework completion, etc.) relate to academic achievement. 4.Evidence supports the influence of social capital inside the family, but social capital outside the family has little influence on academic achievement. 5.Aboriginal achievement is significantly lower than non-aboriginal achievement, after controlling for intervening variables. Characteristics of aboriginal life contributing to lower performance include, low educational aspiration, specific life or learning habits, low SES, incomplete family structure or functions. Suggestions for government policy, for family, school and social educational practices are included in the study as well as for further study and limitations of this study. |