- 純鈦金屬及基底金屬之表面分析與撕裂強度比較
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題 名 | 純鈦金屬及基底金屬之表面分析與撕裂強度比較=Comparison of Surface Analysis and Shear Bonding Strength between Cp Titanium and Base Metal |
作 者 | 黃傳恩; 徐啟智; 呂毓修; 張豐城; 周林世珍; | 書刊名 | 中華牙醫學雜誌 |
卷 期 | 18:2 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁109-120 |
分類號 | 416.98 |
關鍵詞 | 商用純鈦金屬; 基底金屬; 表面粗糙度; 4-META樹脂黏合劑; 撕裂強度; Cp titanium; Base metal; Surface roughness; 4-META resinous cement; Shear bond strength; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本實驗目的乃比較純鈦金屬與基底金屬經不同表面處理後之粗糙度;另外並比較 與牙齒黏著後之撕裂強度。金屬試片共分成三組:(1) 鎳 -- 鉻 -- 鈹合金,(2) 鑄造純鈦 金屬,(3) 鑄塊 (ingot) 純鈦金屬,每組各有 60 片。 所有金屬試片經六階段陶瓷烘烤循 環後,再依不同表面處理方式,每組又分成四個次組群:(A) 經陶瓷烘烤後就不再做任何表 面處理 (B) 以 50 um Al �� O �側Q砂 (C) 以 50 um Al �� O �側Q砂後再塗以 V-primer 黏著底劑 (D) 以 50 um Al �� O �側Q砂後再以過錳酸鉀氧化劑漏潤。在每一次姐群隨機選 取五塊金屬試片, 以粗糙度測量儀檢測粗糙度。 在本實驗中, 以 Superbond C&B(4-META /MMA-TBB) 樹脂黏合劑來黏著金屬試片及經酸蝕之人類後牙牙釉質,然後測量其撕裂強度。 統計採用二因子變異數分析 (two-way ANOVA), 若有差異則再利用 Student-Newman-Keuls test 檢定具有顯著差異的組別。 結果顯示:(1) 粗糙度與撕裂強度在三組不同金屬試片中 並無顯著差異 (p>0.05),(2) 不作表面處理之 A 組金屬試片粗糙度顯著低於經表面處理之 B、C、D 組 (p<0.05),(3) 不作表面處理之 A 組金屬試片撕裂強度顯著低於經表面處理之 B、D 組 (p<0.05)。同時,並利用掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察斷裂面與黏著縱剖面。由本實驗可 發現:純鈦金屬與鎳 -- 鉻 -- 鈹合金在粗糙度與撕裂強度上並無顯著差異,而金屬表面處 理會影響純鈦金屬與鎳 -- 鉻 -- 鈹合金之粗糙度與撕裂強度;故純鈦金屬可考慮作為樹脂 黏合式�G復體之替代金屬。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to evaluate the metal surface roughness compare the shear bond strength of a base metal alloy and commercially pure titanium with different metal surface treatments. Metal specimens were divided into three groups as follows:Group Ⅰ:casted Ni-Cr-Be; Group Ⅱ:casted cp Ti; Group Ⅲ:ingot cp Ti. All metal specimens were subjected to six-stage porcelain firing cycles. Eaxch goup was divided into four subgroups according to the different metal surface treatmetns as follows:(A)not treated after porcelain firing, (B)blasted with 50 um Al �� O �� (C)blasted with 50 um Al �� O �� and then applied with V-primer (Sun Medical Co., Ltd., Kyoto, Japan), and (D)blasted with 50 um Al �� O �� and then immersed into (3% H �� SO �� +1% KMnO �� )oxidizing agent. Five metal specimens were randomly selected from each subgroup; the surfaces were examined for roughness using a surface profilometer (Surfcorder SE-40G, Kosaka, Japan). The Superbond C&B (4-META/MMA-TBB)(Sun Medical Co., Ltd., Japan) resinous cement was selected to bond the metal surface on the etched enamel; the shear bond strengths were tested and recorded. A two-way ANOVA followed by a Student-Newman-Keuls test were used to analyze the data. There were no statistically significant differences in surface roughness and shear bond strength among casted NI- Cr-Be, casted cp Ti and ingot cp Ti (p>0.05). The surface roughness of specimens in Group A was significantly lower than those in Groups B, C and D (p<0.05). The shear bond strength of specimens in Groups B and D were stronger than specimens in Group A (p<0.05). Fractured surfaces and bonding surfaces were evaluated using scanning electron microscope (JSM-T300, Jeol, Japan). It was concluded that metal surface treatments influenced the surface roughness and bonding strength of cp Ti and a base metal with 4-META cement. In conclusion, cp Ti could be used as an alternative metal for resin-bonded fixed prostheses. |