題 名 | 後現代主義知識論及其在教育上的蘊義=The Epistemology of Postmodernism and Its Implications on Education |
作 者 | 馬向青; | 書刊名 | 教育研究 |
卷 期 | 7 1999.07[民88.07] |
頁 次 | 頁355-367 |
分類號 | 520.1 |
關鍵詞 | 後現代主義; 知識論; 李歐塔; Postmodernism; Epistemology; Lyotard; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在探討後現代主義的歷史脈絡和理論要點,並深入探討李歐塔「後現代狀 況」知識論述之要義及其在教育上的蘊義。 文中首先述及啟蒙論辯的歷史,其次勾勒後現代主義的興起緣由及其理論特徵;接著深入分 析李歐塔「後現代狀況」知識論述的要旨:後現代知識境況、科學知識的合法化危機與語言 遊戲、科學知識與敘述知識的語用學分析、解合法化與悖論邏輯。 最後以後現代主義知識論立場,分從教育目的、課程設計、師生角色、教學方法、教育研究 等方面,評述其對教育理論與實際的啟示和省思,俾作為教育改革之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The paper mainly explores the historical context and the theory of Postmodernism. Moreover, the paper deeply explores the meanings and the educational implications of "The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge" written by Lyotard. At first, the paper states the history of the argument about Enlightenment. After that, the author point out the causes and the theoretical characteristics of Postmodernism. Then, the paper deeply analyzes the main ideas of "The Postmodern Condition", including the condition of Postmodern knowledge, the crisis of science knowledge legitimation and the language games, the analysis of pragmatics between the science knowledge and the narrative knowledge, the deligitimation and the paralogy, etc. At last, in terms of the Epistemology of Postmodern, the author evaluate and indicate its influence and implications on educational goals, curriculum design, the roles between teachers and students, instructional methods, educational research, etc. By way of the deeper understanding, we can get new ideas used as the references for our education reform. |