題 名 | 原住民學生與非原住民學生入學適應輔導研究初探=Adaptation of Indigenous and Non-indigenous Students |
作 者 | 李惠琦; | 書刊名 | 明志技術學院學報 |
卷 期 | 31 1999.07[民88.07] |
頁 次 | 頁211-222 |
分類號 | 527.44、527.44 |
關鍵詞 | 原住民; 生活適應; 學習適應; 環境適應; 學生; Indigenous; Living adaptation; Studying adaptation; Student; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 世界各國在多元文化教育投入心血的同時, 我國的原住民教育也逐漸受到各界的 關懷與討論。本研究主要在探討原住民學生與非原住民學生在國中畢業後,進入專科學校就 讀,生活適應上是否有所差異。同時希望藉由原住民與非原住民新生適應的比較,可以更了 解原住民學生的需求,以作為日後原住民學生的輔導依據。本研究分為量的研究與質的研究 。量的研究是以原住民學生生活適應的問卷調查為主。質的研究除了問卷中的開放式問題外 ,再採用輔導老師及導師對原住民學生的訪談。問卷設計包括四大項目:生活適應、學習、 環境及校外工讀。研究結果發現原住民學生的生活適應能力普遍較非原住民學生強,學習方 面缺乏良好的讀書習慣,學習動機也較弱於非原住民學生。原住民學生又較非原住民學生容 易受同儕影響,情緒反應較直接,較易產生不理性的行為。 |
英文摘要 | The paper tries to find out the differences of living adaptation between indigenous students and non-indigenous students when they join a new school life. The quantity research of the paper is based on a questinnaire tha asks students whether they adapt to their school life or not. The quality research is both based on the open questions of the questionnaire and the records of the conversations between teachers and students. We find out that indigenous students can better adapt to the new school life than non-indigenous ones. However indigenous students seem scanty of good studying habits. They also have lower studying motivation than non-indigenous students. Generally, indigenous students are more liable to be influenced by the peers. They have more direct emotions, and perhaps result in irrational behaviors. |