題 名 | 都會原住民兒童生活適應與學習適應及其關聯研究 |
作 者 | 劉春榮; 吳清山; 陳明終; | 書刊名 | 初等教育學刊 |
卷 期 | 4 1995.12[民84.12] |
頁 次 | 頁147-180 |
分類號 | 173.1、173.1 |
關鍵詞 | 都市; 原住民兒童; 生活適應; 學習適應; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在瞭解台北市原住民國小見童生活及學習適應的情悟,並探討二者間的關聯:同時比較台北市原住民國小兒童的人口變項及環境變項在其生活適應與學習適應上的差異。研究兼採文獻分析及問卷調查二種方式,以台北市原住民國小兒童數量最多的十二所學校為樣本學校,其四至六年級一七四人原住民兒童為對象,研究獲得以下五點結論: 一、原住民兒童遷入大都會,因為受到文化不利與衝突、家庭支持力量不足、知識傳遞受阻礙、行為表現失據、同儕關係隔閡、內心困惑與矛盾等因素之影響,都可能面臨生活適應的困境。 二、大都會之原住民兒童,由於受到文化差異與不利、低社經地位階層、家庭環境、學校環境、語言轉錄上困難等因素之影響,導致有學習適應困難的現象。 三、台北市原住民國小兒童,自認在三□向生活適應方面以社會適應較佳,生活目標、遊戲調適及親和力次之,社交技巧則有待加強。在負向生活適應方面,以情緒不穩定最為嚴重,不適應感次之,神經質、身體自卑感及行為不成熟則較無不適應的傾向;而級任教師的觀察,認為原住民國小兒童在正向生活適應方面以遊戲週適及社會適應最佳,親和力及社交技巧次之,生活目標的建立有待加強;在負向生活適應方面,則以行為不成熟及情緒不穩定較為嚴重,不適應感次之,身體自卑感及神經質則較無不適應的傾向。此項調查結果,顯示原住民國小兒童在生活適應的感受與教師的看法並不一致,其中可能會有文化認知的差異存在。 四、台北市原住民國小兒童自認在學習適應方面,以學習調適及學習環境的適應最佳,學習態度及學習習慣次之,學習方法最需加強;至於級任教師認為以學習調適及學習環境的適應最好,學習方法次之,學習態度及學習習慣最需加強,師生看法差距不大。 五、台北市原位民國小兒童生活適應與學習適應具有密切相關,不管是兒童自陳或級任教師觀察結果,兩者間關聯密切。 根據以上的結論提出以下的建議: 一、加強原住民兒童生活及學業輔導工作。 二、提供原住民兒童較多的學校,其教師有關原住民的訊息。 三、推動原住民兒童家長親職教育,建立正確的教養觀。 最佳本研究亦對未來的研究提出二點建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between life ad-justment and academic adjustment, as well as the effects of both environmental variables and demographic variables on the life adjustment and academic adjustment of aboriginal elementary shool students. This study employed both literature review and survey methods. In total, 174 students from 12 elementary schools in Taipei city were selected as survey sample. The findings were as follows: 1.The aboriginal elementary school students encountered difficulty in life ad-justment and academic adjustment coming to live in Taipei city, due to their cultural disadvantages and conflicts, the lack of family support and knowl-edge, behavior problems, poor peer relationship and internal puzzles. 2. The difficulty of aboriginal elementary school students in cultural lag and disadvantages, school environment, family conditions, language usages lead them to maladjustment in learning. 3. In the area of positive adjustment, the survey showed that they felt best in the categories of social adjustment, then in the life goals, playing adjustment and affinity relationship, finally in that of social skills. In the area of nega-tive life adjustment, they indicated they felt worst in the categories of emotional adjustment, then in that of maladjustment, while feeling O.K. in those of neurosis, physical humbleness and immature behavior. The teachers of the survey sample students indicated, in the area of positive life adjustment, that students were doing best in the categories of playing ad-justment and social adjustment, then in those of affinity relationship and social skills, finally in that of the life goals. In the area of negative life ad-justment, they were doing worst in those of immature behavior as wall as emotional adjustment, then in that of maladjustment, nevertheless doing O. K. in those of physical humbleness and neurosis. In summary, the above findings demonstrated signifcant differences between the feeling of the students and the perception of the teachers concerning the area of their life adjustment attributing in part to the difference in their cultural recognition. 4.In the area of learning adjustment, the survey sample displayed that they felt best in the categories of learing adaptability and learning environment, then in those of learning attitude and learning habit, while feeling the most necess-ity to the improvement of learning methods; nevertheless, the teachers of the survey sample exhibited that they were doing best in the categories of learning adaptability and learning environment then in that of learing method, while indicating the most necessity to the inprovement of those of learning attitude and learning habit. It appeared similar inconsistency be-tween the students' feeling and the teachers' perception. 5. The result showed the close relationship between the life adjustment and learning adjustment of students. This study recommends that: 1. strengthen the guidance system for the life and academic adjustment issues of aboriginal elementary school students. 2. provide more related information for the teachers whose schools included many aboriginal students. 3. initiate parental education for the parents of the aboriginal students for the purpose of establishing sound bearing habits. 4. examine further related research topics. Finally, interpretation and discusses of survey results were presented in this study. |