題 名 | 師範學院混合編班編宿學生適應之研究 |
作 者 | 黃萬益; 胡悅倫; 謝文英; 李安明; | 書刊名 | 新竹師院學報 |
卷 期 | 8 1995.01[民84.01] |
頁 次 | 頁27-64 |
分類號 | 522.678 |
關鍵詞 | 師院學生; 混合編班; 混合編宿; 課程適應; 教學與學習適應; 生活適應; 學習困擾; 學業成就; Teachers' college students; Interdisciplinary class scheduling; Interdisciplinary dormitory arrangements; Curriculum adjustment; Teaching/learning adjustment; College life adjustment; Learning difficulties; Academic achievement; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 新竹師範學院混合編班編宿之研究,在教務處課程安排,訓導處編宿的作業,各系主任對配課方式的支持,以及各相關單位的通力配合下,方得以順利進行。本研究旨在瞭解(一)師院生暨導師、任課教師及行政人員對實施混合編班編宿的看法。(二)師院生在混合編班編宿實驗下,其課程適應、教學與學習適應及生活適應的差異情形。(三)混合編班實驗下,各科學習困擾的差異情形。(四)混合編班後,學科成績在系別上的差異情形。 本研究以自編之「師範學院混合編班編宿學生適應調查問卷」對新竹師院82學年度入學之一年級同學進行施測。另以「師範學院混合編班編宿半結構式晤談問卷」對導師、任課教師及行政人員進行訪晤。調查問卷之內容包括下列三方面:(1)課程適應方面,(2)教學與學習適應方面,(3)生活適應方面。調查問卷共發出390份,回收問卷計343份,回收率為87.94%。 研究結果發現: (一) 雖有部份師範生反對實施混合編班編宿,但大部分同學持贊成的態度。 (二) 大部分新竹師範一年級學生贊成師範學院實施混合編班教學且適應情形良好,師院生在課程適應、教學與學習適應、生活適應等三方面皆呈正向反應,且其互動情況極為良好。 (三) 師範學院實施混合編班教學對男、女及各班學生在課程、教學與學習、生活等三方面的適應,均無顯著差異,但是,對各系師院生則有顯著的差異。 (四) 在學習困擾程度的差異上,以班為單位時差異很小,但是以系為單位時差異性卻很大。各系在英文、地球科學、憲法和生物學科上之差異均達顯著水準。 (五) 在學業成就上,各系學生依其背景之不同在國文、英文、寫字、中國通史、中國地理、哲學概論、普通數學、普通生物學、地球科學、美術(一)學科成績上之差異均達顯著水準。 (六) 混合編班編宿的實施,增加各單位各種程度不同之行政配合工作;各單位所遭遇之困難均能適時提出因應之道,唯須全方位落實行政配合措施,方能提高其實施成效。 |
英文摘要 | This study was conducted by a team of professors of National Hsinchu Teachers' College (NHTC), including the Dean of Studies, Dean of Students, Department Chairs and the collaboration of various interrelated units. The objectives of this research are (1)to investigate the views of teachers' college students, advisors, class instructors, and administration staff the implementation of Interdisciplinary Class Scheduling and Dormitory Arrangements (ICSDA); (2)to examine differences in the students' adjustment to the curriculum, teachning/learning, and college life under ICSDA; (3)to identify the differences in learning difficulties in various under ICSDA; and (4)to describe differences of student scores by department after ICSDA treatment. This study employed the self-devised "Teachers' College Student Adjustment Questionnaire On ICSDA" on the 1993 school-year freshmen of NHTC. The contents of the questionnaire included (1)curriculum adjustment, (2) teaching/learningadjustment, and (3)college life adjustment. A total of 343 of 390 questionnaires were returned, for a rate of 87.94%. At the same time, the "Teachers' College Semi-Structure Interview Sheet On ICSDA" was used to interview advisors, class instructors, and administration staff. The findings showed that: 1. Although a portion of the student were against the implementation of ICSDA, the majority had positive attitudes toward it. 2. The majority of the NHTC freshmen favored the implementation of the ICSDA. The results were positive in the three aspects of curriculum, teaching/learning and college life adjustment. Results indicated highly positive interaction among interdisciplinary students. 3. While no significant differences were found between male and female students concerning curriculum adjustment and teaching/learning adjustment, the study yielded significant difference among students from different departments. 4. Although the comparison of degrees of learning difficulties of students by class indicated only a small difference, when compared by department the difference was greater. The differences in courses of English, Introduction to Earth Science, Chinese Constitution, and General Biology of each department reached a significant level. 5. In a comparison of students from various disciplines, the differences in scores for academic achievement in Chinese, English, Chinese Calligraphy, Chinese History, Chinese Geogrpahy, Introduction to Philosophy, General mathematics, General Biology, Introduction to Earth Sciences and Fine Arts (I)reached a significant level. 6. The implementation of ICSDA complicated coordination procesures between different departments. Solutions were been proposed to overcome these difficulties over time. Only through an adoption of multidimensional administrative coordination measures can ICSDA implementation be more effective. |