題 名 | 交換學生生活及學習適應探討之研究--以十位校薦赴日女性交換學生為例=The Research on Life and Learning Adjustment of Exchange Students: 10 School-Recommended Female Exchange Students Studying in Japan |
作 者 | 蔡昕璋; | 書刊名 | 北商學報 |
卷 期 | 20 2011.07[民100.07] |
頁 次 | 頁175-204 |
分類號 | 529.91 |
關鍵詞 | 交換學生; 文化適應; 生活適應; 學習適應; Exchange student; Cultural adjustment; Life adaptation; Learning adjustment; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近年來因應全球化的熱潮,以及國際化的衝擊趨勢下,愈來愈多大專校院與外國學校締結姊妹校,並薦送校內優秀學生至國外交換學生或實習。此外教育部更推出相關補助計畫鼓勵學生,以期提升國際競爭優勢。 雖然台灣許多學校皆要求交換學生返校後,需繳交書面心得報告,或是舉辦專題講座及座談會,讓往後取得交換學生資格之學弟妹作為參考,但該類報告大多流於形式,或僅概略描述當地的學習及生活狀況,難以窺探交換學生所承受相關衝擊及因應之道細節。 交換學生通常需要面對各種生活適應上的問題外,尚需應付課業壓力,以及不同環境中所產生的心理和文化壓力。理論上,能夠通過校內甄選成為校薦交換學生,其學業成績、品德以及外語能力,皆相對較校內其他學生優異,意即這類學生應自有一套學習方法及生活管理策略,方能出類拔萃。 本研究訪問十位校薦赴日女性交換學生,由「文化適應」、「生活適應」、「學習適應」以及「其他啟示」四大面項探討,提出結論與相關建議,提供有志參與交換學生計畫之同學,以及學校相關人員參考。 |
英文摘要 | Many schools have concluded treaties with sister schools and recommended outstanding students to take part in the program of exchange students, in order to respond to the trends of internationalization and globalization in recent years in Taiwan. Moreover, the Ministry of Education of Taiwan also carried out many related programs to encourage exchange students to participate in or to practice, in order to improve their competitive advantages. Many schools in Taiwan ask exchange students to submit their reflections of their studying abroad experiences, but most of these reports are mere formality, or just a summary of their situations. It is difficult to know what the exchange students faced and how they adapt to the many shocks abroad. Exchange students usually have to face not only matters of life adaptation but also learning pressures, psychological stresses and culture shocks. In theory, exchange students usually have excellent achievements in academics, morals, and foreign language ability to be recommended by the school, which means that these kind of outstanding students usually have their own strategy in studying and life management. This case study is an in-depth interview concentrating on 10 female exchange students who were recommended by their schools to study in Japan. It integrated the viewpoints of “cultural adjustment,” “life adaptation,” “learning adjustment” and “other enlightenments” to analyze, and share this conclusion with the students and related staffs in schools. |