- 師院民主教育的課程設計--以政治學為例
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題 名 | 師院民主教育的課程設計--以政治學為例=An Attempt to Design a Curriculum of Democracy Education of Teachers College in Taiwan--Politics for Example |
作 者 | 黃中一; | 書刊名 | 臺南師院學報 |
卷 期 | 32 1999.06[民88.06] |
頁 次 | 頁255-270 |
分類號 | 528.37 |
關鍵詞 | 民主教育; 課程設計; Democracy education; Curriculum design; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 研究指出,我國的民主政治根基尚淺,國人對於民主尚缺乏普遍的認知,因此民 主教育有待加強與落實,而師院生肩負國小民主教育推動的重大責任,應努力培養自己的民 主素養。由於師範院校的特殊功能與角色,師院開設的民主教育課程應是有別於一般大學的 課程設計, 本文以塔巴( Taba,1962 )的課程設計模式為依據,嘗試師範院校民主教育中 政治學的課程設計。首先是課程需求的診斷,師院生之所以要接受有關的民主教育課程主要 是基於三種需求:1. 具備現代民主公民的素養。2. 符合國小社會科及道德與健康等有關民 主教育內涵的需求。 3. 身為國小教師應具備的民主素養。針對以上需求,師院政治學的課 程設計在正式課程方面應把握:理論與實際並重、經驗原則、實踐原則及批判原則;在潛在 課程方面則應強調:教師以身作則、參與原則及尊重原則。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of this study is trying to design a curriculum of politics for the students of Teachers' College in Taiwan. According to Taba's (1962). model of curriculum design, there are seven processes in designing a curriculum. The first step is to diagnose the needs of the students. The reasons for the students of Teachers' College to study the curriculum of democracy education is based on three needs: the first, the students should be equipped with the quality of modern democratic citizen; the second is to fit the needs of teaching the curriculum of "Social Studies" and "Moral & Health" in primary school; the last is to act as a modern teacher of democratic society. So, there are four principles to be noticed in formal curriculum: 1. Emphasizing both theory and actuality 2. Principle of experience 3. Principle of Practice 4. Principle of criticize, and besides, there are three principles in hidden curriculum: 1. Teacher set an example with his own conduct 2. Principle of participation 3. Principle of respect |