題 名 | 虛擬學校:資訊網路下整合性的教學環境=Virtual School: An Integrated Instructional Environment on the Web |
作 者 | 楊家興; | 書刊名 | 管理與資訊學報 |
卷 期 | 4 1999.04[民88.04] |
頁 次 | 頁211-225 |
分類號 | 521.53 |
關鍵詞 | 教學科技; 教學媒體; 電腦輔助教學; 網路教學; 終身學習; 虛擬教室; Instructional technology; Instructional media; Computer-assisted instruction; Learning on the web; Lifelong learning; Virtual classroom; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 近幾年來,許多教有工作者積極利用資訊科技,要發展出一個在網路上可以廣泛 應用的教學環境,但不幸的是:大部份的網路設計缺少教學因素的考量,而且僅 是針對整體教學功能中的少數幾個項日來規劃,系統、資訊彼此獨立,不能相互 流通運用。 本文作者有感於微軟「辦公室」軟體系列的成功整合商務資訊環境,乃試圖 從一個較鉅觀的角度,來分析整體教學環境的需求,並建議一個以網路為平台, 包括:教室、教材、教師、研究室、參考書、考試、學習同伴、管理、社交康輔 等功能的虛擬學校的規劃,以建立一個完整教學應用的資訊環境。 |
英文摘要 | Recently, many educators are enthusiastic in applying information technologies to establish a web-based instructional environment. Unfortunately, most of those web-sites are lack of instructional value. They only serve a small part of a whole set of instructional functions. Being admire of the Microsoft Office's success in integrating business functions into one single package, the author suggests to build an integrated application "Virtual School". We first analyze the characteristics of a typical instructional environment, and then construct a web-based environment that is composed of the complete functions of an instructional environment: classroom, learning material, instructor, teachers' office, resources, examination, companion, management, and socialization. |