題 名 | 網路教學在圖書館之應用:以國家圖書館遠距學園為例=The Application of Web-based Distance Education in Library--National Central Library's E-Learning Campus |
作 者 | 鄭寶梅; | 書刊名 | 圖書館學與資訊科學 |
卷 期 | 29:1 2003.04[民92.04] |
頁 次 | 頁65-73 |
專 輯 | 網路教學與圖書資訊學應用 |
分類號 | 521.58 |
關鍵詞 | 網路教學; 遠距教學; 虛擬教室; 終身學習; Web-Based distance education; Distance education; Virtual classrooms; Lifelong learning; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 隨著網路科技的突破及資訊載體的多元化,如何整合新的科技至圖書館服務一直是圖書館面臨的挑戰。而這些挑戰常也帶來圖書館發展的新契機。同樣地,網路教學就是網路科技發展重新賦予遠距教育的新內涵及名稱,它整合了通訊、電腦、傳播等數位化科技,建構成一個即時、雙向、多點互動的多媒體教學環境。本文主要探討國家圖書館如何掌握及應用此創新科技,落實終身學習社會的網路教育功能,這二年,因應全球網路教學發展趨勢,嘗試應用電腦網路遠距教學系統,完成建置「國家圖書館遠距學園」(http://cu.ncl.edu.tw),提供全國民眾自由上網免費進行遠距學習的園地,達成「處處學習、時時學習、人人學習」的教學目標。 |
英文摘要 | It remains constant challenges for the application of new information technology in libraries. The challenges also provide the opportunities for the library development. The Advent of web-based online learning has revitalized the concept of distance education.This innovation provides the multimedia learning environments with online interaction capabilities. As a result, the web-based distance learning impacts enormously on the library's traditional methods of providing service. It affects all types of libraries committed to being gateways to lifelong learning. This paper mainly discusses how the National Central Library has explored and utilized the web-based distance learning technology to implement the "E-Learning Campus" since 2000. This Campus is aimed to provide the free distance learning courses to all the users who have access to the Internet and the World Wide Web. |