題 名 | 水田回歸水量之研究=Study on the Return Flow in the Rice Paddy Field |
作 者 | 吳瑞賢; 林癸妙; 李俊福; | 書刊名 | 農業工程學報 |
卷 期 | 45:1 1999.03[民88.03] |
頁 次 | 頁72-82 |
分類號 | 434.287 |
關鍵詞 | 回歸水; 水田; 滲漏量; Return flow; Paddy field; Percolation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 現今臺灣總用水量需求增加,而開發新水源不但日漸困難且成本亦高,故就水資 源有效利用之觀點而言,回歸水之利用將漸居重要地位。根據前人研究,佔農業用水比重大 的水田,其回歸水量比例,約佔 10% ∼ 40% 左右,因此對水田回歸水量之研究,乃一重要 課題,不容忽視。本文對回歸水量的計算,包括田埂缺口流量 (明回歸水 ),田區內回歸水 量 (暗回歸水 ), 田埂回歸水量 (暗回歸水 ) 三部份,結果顯示這些回歸水量佔灌溉水量 及降雨量之和的 24%。前人對於水份入滲至土壤後,對於滲漏量的推求,都只侷限於計算垂 直滲漏量,而忽略了水平滲漏量,因此本文特對水平滲漏量加以探討分析,由本文中解析解 模式所推算之結果,得知垂直滲漏量與水平滲漏量之比例為 5:1。 |
英文摘要 | In Taiwan, water resources management becomes important because of two major reasons: the increase of the industrial demand on water resources and the soaring cost in developing new sources. In order to manage the agricultural water use efficiently, the role of the irrigation return flow is critical. According to studies, the irrigation return flow accounts for 10% to 40% of the total irrigation water in rice paddy fields. This study focuses on the estimation of the quantity of the irrigation return flow. The return flow is broken down into three elements in analyze, namely, the visible return flow across levee, the invisible return flow above hard pan, and the invisible return flow though levee. According to a case study, the amount of the irrigation return flow from a rice paddy field is about 24% of the total amount of the precipitation and the irrigation water. Differ from previous studies, which are limited to the estimation of percolation amount as a whole, this study attempts to identify the horizontal flow movement above the hard pan as well as the vertical flow movement though the hard pan. An analytical model is introduced and the result shown that a ratio of 5 to 1 between the vertical flow and horizontal flow is expected. |