- 臺灣東部水田土壤甲烷氣體之釋放及其影響因子
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題 名 | 臺灣東部水田土壤甲烷氣體之釋放及其影響因子=Methane Emission and its Affected Factors in Eastern Taiwan Paddy |
作 者 | 彭德昌; 黃山內; | 書刊名 | 花蓮區農業改良場研究彙報 |
卷 期 | 16 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁35-46 |
分類號 | 434.111 |
關鍵詞 | 水田土壤; 甲烷釋放; 稻草掩埋; 氮肥施用; Paddy soil; Methane emission; Straw incorporation; N-fertilizer; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為瞭解台灣東部水田土壤甲烷氣體之釋放量及探討其影響因子,自83年二期作至85年一期作在花蓮縣吉安鄉之片岩石灰性沖積土及富里鄉之片岩混合粘板岩老沖積土進行試驗。試驗處理分別為稻草掩埋與否(吉安)及一般與增施氮肥(富里),於水稻生育期間在田間實地收集氣體分析甲烷之釋放量。結果顯示,吉安鄉試區83年及84年二期作水田之甲烷釋放量為平均分別為90及809µg CH4/hr.㎡,84年及85年一期作平均分別為832及494ugCH4/hr.㎡;富里試區83年及84年二期作平均分別為7,481及16,795µg CH4/hr.㎡,84年及85年一期作平均分別為4,029及6,851µg CH4/hr.㎡。稻草掩埋處理會顯著增加水田甲烷之產生與其釋放量,增加幅度為18.9%∼1,106.7%(平均361.6%),增施氮肥亦有增加甲烷釋放量之趨勢,增加幅度為50.6%∼99.1%(平均69.7%)。甲烷之釋放量受氣候因素之影響甚大,溫度(包括氣溫、水溫及地溫)較高時,甲烷之釋放量亦較多。 |
英文摘要 | Experimental paddy fields were set to measure the rate of methane emission in eastern Taiwan with calcareous schist alluvial soil (Chian) and non-calcareous schist mixed slate alluvial soil (Fuli) in 2nd crop, 1994 to lst crop, 1996 of rise. Experimental treatments were with or without straw incorporated (Chian trial), N-fertilizer high and low rates (Fuli trial), respectively. The results showed that the amount of methane emitted from 2nd crop of rice in 1994 and 1995 were 90 and 809 μ g CH �� /hr.m ��, and lst crop in 1995 and 1996 were 832 and 494 μ g CH �� /hr.m ��, respectively, at Chian trial, whereas the amount from 2nd crop in 1994 and 1995 were 7,481 and 16,795 μ g CH �� /hr.m ��, and lst crop in 1995 and 1996 were 4,029 and 6,851 μ g CH �� /hr.m ��,respectively, at Fuli trial. The straw incorporation affected production and emission of methane significantly, and increasing the amount of methane was in the range of 18.9% ∼ 1,106.7% (average 361.6%). The treatment of high rate N-fertilizer addition promoted the amount of methane emission, it's range of methane was 50.6% ∼ 99.1% (average 69.7%) increased. The rates of methane emission were highly effected by climatic and soil factors. Methane emission were increased simultaneously when the temperature of air, water and soil were uprising. |