- Course Design: English for Non-English Proficient Students in the Five-Year Program at the National Taiwan College of Physical Education
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題 名 | Course Design: English for Non-English Proficient Students in the Five-Year Program at the National Taiwan College of Physical Education=國立臺灣體育學院五專英文科課程設計研究 |
作 者 | 周瑩; 程春美; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣體育學院學報 |
卷 期 | 4(上) 民88.01 |
頁 次 | 頁111-150 |
分類號 | 525.38051 |
關鍵詞 | 體育學院; 五專; 英文教學; 課程設計; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 英文教學課程設計,必須符合教學原則,配合教學方法,並且要與教學目標一致 ,才能收到預期的教學效果。 自然教學觀學派兩位大師 Stephen D. Krashen 與 Tracy D. Terrel 認為, 語言是在自然環境中學習獲得,第二語言的學習過程應依照第一語言學習模 式進行,效果較為顯著,本研究為國立臺灣體育學院五專英語程度不佳學生所設計的英文教 學課程,主要根據兩位大師的理論,進行一項新的嘗試,讓學生在溝通式的教學活動中學習 英文,而非傳統的英文教學所採用的學習方法,學生在完成階段課程後,可以靈活應用英語 〔文〕,並學習效果,遠比傳統教學方法所得效益高。本課程設計之主要目的在提高學生學 習英語的效果,並增進學生的英語應用能力,同時提供英語教學方法之改進參考。 |
英文摘要 | An effective teaching program should have appropriate pedagogical principles and teaching methodologies that are consistent with its objectives. In this paper, an English course design for five-year college non-English proficient students at the National Taiwan College of Physical Education has been proposed based on the theory of second language acquisition in a naturalistic environment. Stephen D.Krashen and Tracy D. Terrel(1983) have suggested that second language acqisition should be modeled on the first language acquistion process in many ways. This course design is a new English curriculum plan that exposes students to a second/foreign language through the instruction of communicative activities rather than traditional English classes. Students who complete the program will have a better command of a second/foreign language than their peers in traditional English classrooms. The purpose of this paper is to develop a curriculum design appropriate for the non-English proficient (NEP) students at this college. It is hoped that this curriculum design will not only enable students to acquire the target language more efficiently but be a reference for the improvement of English instruction. |