題 名 | 臺灣和西澳科學教室環境的合作研究--研究架構、方法及對臺灣科學教育的啟思=A Collaborative Research on Science Classroom Environments in Taiwan and Western Australia--Framework, Method and Implication to Taiwan's Science Education |
作 者 | 楊榮祥; | 書刊名 | 科學教育學刊 |
卷 期 | 6:4 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁325-342 |
專 輯 | 教室環境專刊 |
分類號 | 303.4 |
關鍵詞 | 教室環境; 教師信念; 跨國合作研究; 學生知覺; classroom environment; Cross-national collaborative study; Students' perception; Teachers' beliefs; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文的目的為報導臺灣和西澳科學教室環境跨國合作研究的架構和方法。此項國際合作研究的目的為比較二國科學教室的本質,以探討影響教師營造正向教室環境的可能因素。本研究共有9位臺灣和6位西澳的學者合組5個研究群,分別由教育環境各種不同層面,包括教師信念、學生對教室環境、教師行為,及教師知識的知覺(Perception)等層面切入研究。各研究群分別發展並效化有關研究主題之教皺環境問卷,包:學生對教室氣氛的知覺(WIHIC),學生對教師行為的知覺(TSI),學生對教師知識的知覺(SPOTK),教師對定和科學教學的信念(BASSSQ)等核心問卷,經α信度考驗和因素分析之外,並以返譯(Back-translation)程序,保障翻譯效度(Translation validity)。由都會區學校取樣之國中一、二年級(臺灣)或第7、8年級(西澳)男女合班的班各50班,共有1879(臺灣)和1081(西澳)位學生參與問卷的填答。根據所收集量化數據(Quantitative data),再深入收集質性數據(Qualitative data),所運用的方法包括教室觀察、師生晤談以及隨筆實記(Anecdote)等技術,以詮釋所觀察事實、現象或其他資料背後的意義(Meaning)或價值觀(Value),並皆別由5個研群據以陸續發表其研究結果。各研究群均指出:影響臺灣教師營造正向科學教室環境的主要因素係來自社會和家長對學教師的角色偏向的期望,並導出三項主要缺失,包括:忽略科學知識的暫時性本質、忽視個別學生的自我和自尊,而將教室孤立於社會生態環境之。本文作者根據各研究群所得結果,針對臺灣的科學教育提出一些檢討和建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this paper was to report the research framework and methodology of a collaborative research on science classroom environments in Taiwan and Australia. The objective of this collaborative research was to investigate factors preventing science teachers from creating positive classroom environments in Taiwan and Australia. Nine Taiwanese and 6 Australian researchers were involved in this cross-national study. Five sub-groups consisting of researchers from both countries investigated different aspects of classroom environment, including teachers' beliefs, students' perceptions on their classroom environment, including teachers' beliefs, students' perceptions on their classroom climate, and teachers' beliefs, students' perceptions on their classroom climate, and teacher's behavior and knowledge. Four core questionnaires, "What Is happening In This Class?" (WIHIC), "Teacher-Student Interaction" (TSI), "Students' Perceptions of Teachers' Knowledge" (SPOTK), and "Beliefs about Science and School Science Questionnaires" (BASSQ) were developed and validated by each of the sub-groups. A "back-translation" technique was applied to ensure validity in translation between languages. The questionnaire was administered to 1879 students form 50 classes in Taiwan and 1081 students form 50 classes in Australia. The quantitative data form the questionnaires were used to guide the collection of qualitative data, using classroom observations, interviews with teachers and students, and narrative stories or anecdotes written by the researchers. The qualitative data enabled researchers to interpret the questionnaires more meaningfully and provide richer insight into the results from each country. Results indicated that social expectation about teachers' role was the main factor preventing science teachers from creating positive classroom environment in Taiwan. Three major consequences of environments were identified. Implications and suggestions based on results of each of 5 sub-groups are introduced for the community of science educators in Taiwan. |