題 名 | 臺灣和西澳科學教室環境的跨國研究:結合質性與量的研究方法=A Cross-National Study of Perceived Classroom Environments in Taiwan and Western Australia: Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches |
作 者 | 黃臺珠; | 書刊名 | 科學教育學刊 |
卷 期 | 6:4 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁343-362 |
專 輯 | 教室環境專刊 |
分類號 | 303.4 |
關鍵詞 | 文化比較; 科學教室; 跨國研究; 質與量研究法; 教室環境; Science classroom; Learning environment; Cross-national study; Combining quantitative and qualitative research; Culture comparison study; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 效化跨國研究的WIHIC量表以比較臺灣和西澳學生在同學親和、教師支持、學參與、探究、工作取向、合作平等等向度的感受。該問卷施測對象為50班1879位臺灣學生,以及50班1081位西澳學生。結果支持中英文版問卷各向度的內部一致信度以及原先的建構效度,並顯示其具有區別各班的能力。結果也顯示出臺灣和西澳學生所感受的科學教室環境在某些向度上的不同。利用問卷數據以引導質性資料的收集(包括老師和學生的訪談,以及教學觀察),以確認問卷所呈的效度,並解釋各分量表平均值不同的意義。訪談結果提醒我們應注意學生對問卷問題的了解,以及西方國家教室情況所發展的問卷東方國國家使用的問題。比較研究者所描述的故事可用以幫助了解研究者的文化背景,它會影響研究者對教室教學情況的詮釋,本研究顯示來自不同文化的人其對觀察的詮釋受其社會和文化的影響。 |
英文摘要 | This paper reports part of a cross-national study of science classroom environments in Taiwan and Western Australia that focuses on the use and validation of English and Chinese versions of a questionnaire assessing student perceptions of Student cohesiveness, Teacher Support, Involvement, Investigation, Task Orientation, Cooperation and Equity. The questionnaire was administered to 1081 students from 50 classes in Western Australia and 1879 students from 50 classes in Taiwan. Data analysis supported each scale's internal consistency, reliability, a priori factor structure, and ability to differentiate between classrooms, and revealed interesting differences between average scale scores between Taiwan and Western Australia. The questionnaire data were used to guide the collection of qualitative data (involving interviews with teachers and students and classroom observations) to provide further support for the validity of questionnaire and to explain patterns and differences I mean scale scores in Western Australia and Taiwan. Interviews provided precautionary information regarding students' understanding of some questionnaire times and the use of a questionnaire developed in a Western contest to measure the classroom environment in an Eastern culture. Descriptive stories were used to enhance understanding of cultural influences that could affect researchers' interpretations of their observations, revealing that researchers' form different cultural backgrounds interpreted their observations according to factors which are socially and culturally bound. |