- 市售中藥材金屬元素之分析
- 中藥(材)中微量元素(銅、汞、鎘、鉛、砷、鈷、錳)之檢驗方法及規格研訂的整合型研究計畫。子計畫4:動物中藥(材)中微量元素(銅、汞、鎘、鉛、砷、鈷、錳)檢驗方法及規格研訂之研究
- 中藥(材)中微量元素之檢驗方法及規格研訂2.--植物性中藥(材)中微量元素(銅、汞、鎘、鉛、砷、鈷、錳)檢驗方法及規格研訂之研究
- 中藥(材)中微量元素之檢驗方法及規格研訂4.--礦物中藥(材)中微量元素(銅、汞、鎘、鉛、砷、鈷、錳)檢驗方法及規格研訂之研究
- 臺中港魚市魚貨重金屬含量之調查
- 以石墨爐式原子吸收光譜儀直接測量酒中鉛、銅及鎘方法之探討
- 以石墨爐式原子吸收光譜儀直接測量酒中鉛、銅及鎘方法之探討
- 中藥(材)中微量元素檢驗方法之建立
- 桃園縣農產品中有害重金屬成分之分析
- 有機微量元素在現代家畜生產和在市場上的潛力
題 名 | 市售中藥材金屬元素之分析=The Metal Element Analysis of Commercial Chinese Herbal Medicine |
作 者 | 梁文俐; 林尚文; 顏焜熒; 楊玲玲; | 書刊名 | 臺灣科學 |
卷 期 | 51:2 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁37-56 |
分類號 | 414.5 |
關鍵詞 | 中藥材; 礦物質; 微量元素; 重金屬; 原子吸收光譜; Chinese herbal; Essential metallic elements; Heavy metals; Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 中藥材廣為本省民間所使用,尤其是國人喜愛以中藥補益藥物進行補身或以清熱 藥、利尿藥材去肝火或用解表藥預防、治療感冒,及以瀉下藥材作減肥之用;近年來由於原 產地栽培形態之改變及工業發展之污染,致使重金屬中毒事件不斷發生,加上一些重要慢性 病如心血管疾病、腎臟病、高血壓等,與鉀、鈉離子含量有十分密切之關係,鎂、鈣、錳等 離子則與體內酵素活性有關,因此為了提供用藥安全及藥物選擇,本研究乃就蘭陽地區收集 35種常用中藥材包括(1)補益藥15種,(2)清熱藥8種,(3)解表藥4種,(4)利水滲濕藥6種, (5)瀉下藥2種,測定各中藥材中之鉀、鈉、鈣、鎂之金屬元素鐵、銅、鋅、錳、鈷、鉻、鎳 、鉬之微量元素及砷、鉛、鎘之重金屬元素共15種金屬元素含量,以供未未來臨床用藥之參 考。 本研究利用原子吸收光譜儀(Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer A.A.)進行定量分 析,結果如下:各藥材100公克中(1)鉀、鈉之含量均高於100mg,其中含量大於1公克者,鉀 離子有金銀花(1.11公克)、大戟(1.11公克)、補骨脂(1.08公克)、百合(1.06公克)、續斷 (1.02公克);鈉離子則有巴戟天(1.18公克),(2)鎂含量平均在1.92mg,大於5mg以上者有甘 草(37.2mg)、木通(10.15mg)、黃耆(9.55mg)、金銀花(9.43mg)、白茅根(6.12mg),(3)鈣含 量超過50mg者有甘草(358.8mg)、木通(113.02mg)、黃耆(76.25mg)、地骨皮(52.99mg), (4)鐵含量超過15mg者有白茅根(336.06mg)、黃耆(15.98mg),(5)銅含量超過2mg者有金銀花 (2.76mg),(6)鋅含量超過5mg者有金銀花(5.06mg)、澤瀉(5.86mg),(7)錳含量超過5mg者有 巴戟天(6.8mg)、澤瀉(7.5mg),(8)鈷含量超過0.3mg者有甘草(0.32mg)、地骨皮(0.35mg), (9)鉻含量以白茅根(4.98mg)最高,(10)鎳含量亦以白茅根(2.98mg)最高,(11)重金屬元素 鉛(pb)、鎘(Cd)一般含量較少,與對人類造成威脅之劑量相去甚遠。而砷(As)含量以巴戟天 、金銀花超過10mg以上,顯示該兩種中藥材已受重金屬污染宜加以注意。 |
英文摘要 | For the purpose of medication and keeping good health, Chinese herbal medicine have been commonly used in Taiwan. The metallic elements of those Chinese herbal medicine are considered to be beneficial to human health. As reported, K, Na, Mg and Ca ions can be used to control kidney and heart diseases. Other ion, such as Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Co, Cr, Ni and Mo are important to enzyme activities in human metabolism. These essential metallic elements can be consumed from natural food and Chinese herbal medication for Chinese from their diet. The quantity of metallic elements that can be consumed from food ingredients has been reported and suggestedin preious researches, but only few works have been done in chinese harbal Medicine. In this research, we will analyze the metallic elements of Chinese herbal medicine and their effect in human health. Speciality, the issues of heavy metals such as As, Pb, Cd from industrial pollution are also inclued in this resarch. In the analysis of metallic elements of commercial Chinese herbal medicine, we have collected 15 different tonic agent, 12 different heatclearing and terior- resolving, 6 different water-sisinhibiting, 2 different precipitation agent. The containing quantity of metallic elements in the Chinese gerbal medicine, including K, Na, Mg, Ca, Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Co, Cr, Ni, Mo and heavy metals As,Pb,Cd was measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer(A.A.), and the results showed: Lonicera japonica Thunberg's dry flos (each 100g) had potassium ion 1.11g, Magnesium ion 9.43mg, Copper ion 2.76mg, Znic ion 5.06mg, Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fischer et DC.'s Radix (each 100g) had Magnesium ion 37.2mg, Calcium ion 358.8mg, heavy metals showed: Lonicera japonica Thunberg's dry fols and Morinda officindisn How's radix (each 100g), the Arsenic ion is over 10mg. |