題 名 | 來華旅客選擇中華餐飲之屬性偏好研究=The Choice Preference of Inbound Tourists Toward Chinese Food's Attributes |
作 者 | 曹勝雄; 吳正雄; | 書刊名 | 戶外遊憩研究 |
卷 期 | 11:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁1-18 |
分類號 | 427.11 |
關鍵詞 | I.P.A.技巧; 逐步迴歸分析; 市場區隔; GI.P.A. technique; Stepwise regression analysis; Market segmentation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨以來華旅客為研究對象,期透過問卷調查與統計分析以瞭解來華旅客選 擇中華餐飲之屬性偏好及餐飲消費之整體滿意度。研究結果發現來華旅客選擇中華餐飲最為 重視之屬性變數依序為「菜色品質」、「餐飲口味」與「餐廳清潔」;經由 I.P.A. 分析技 巧可知,「餐廳清潔」以及「人員服務」為最需改善之關鍵因素。透過逐步迴歸分析得知, 影響整體滿意度之變數以「菜色品質」、「舒適感受」以及「餐飲口味」較具顯著性。最後 ,利用事前市場區隔來探討不同屬性之來華旅客對中華餐飲服務屬性之重視度是否存在差異 ,結果顯示來華旅客之人口統計特性、旅遊特性與餐飲消費特性會影響其對餐飲選擇之屬性 偏好。 |
英文摘要 | This study employed the questionnaires to conduct an investigation for Taiwan inbound tourists so as to explore their choice preference and satisfaction toward Chinese food's attributes. As the result, the three most influential variables of choosing Chinese food were "quality of food", "food taste" and "cleanliness". Using importance performance analysis (I.P.A.) technique, it indicated that "cleanliness" and "personal service" were the key factors to improve Chinese foodservice. Then, by applying stepwise regression analysis, it revealed that "quality of food", "comfort", "food taste", "personal service", "new eating adventure" and "cleanliness" of relative satisfaction were also found to be statistically significant. Finally, the priori market segmentation technique was utilized to explore the cognition's differences of the choice preference toward Chinese food's attributes among various patterns of tourists. The results indicated that the characteristics of tourists' demographic, travel and foodservice consumption would affect their choice preference to foodservice attributes. |