題 名 | 有機農產品之市場區隔研究=Market Segmentation of Organic Agricultural Products |
作 者 | 黃璋如; | 書刊名 | 農業經營管理 |
卷 期 | 4 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁75-101 |
分類號 | 431.25 |
關鍵詞 | 有機農產品; 市場區隔; 集群分析; Organic agricultural products; Market segmentation; Cluster analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究調查臺北市有機商店、超級市場及傳統市場之消費者共375位,以了解其對有機農產品之購買頻率、購買意願與對各種農產品屬性之重視程度,以及對有關農業生產、食品安全、環保與家庭等問項之看法,並調查受訪者之人口統計及行為變數等資料。 本研究首先利用主成分分析法,將受訪者對11種有機農產品之購買意願「綜合」成一購買意願總指標。又利用因素分析法,將消費者對農產品屬性、農業生產等看法之28個變數萃取出9個因素,使得調查訪問之資訊能以較少之變數表達。 本研究之市場區隔採用事前及事後區隔法。事前區隔以受訪者之人口統計及行為變數等作為區隔變數,而以受訪者對有機農產品之購買意願與購買頻率作為描述與比較各區隔特徵之變數。事後區隔則採集群分析法,以有機農產品之購買意願與購買頻率作為區隔變數,將受訪者分為購買意願與頻率均高之「忠誠群」,購買頻率高但意願低之「矛盾群」,購買意願高但購買頻率低之「潛在群」,以及購買意願與頻率均低之「無關群」等共四個集群。 研究發現,潛在消費群多為年齡較輕、教育水準及工作職位較高、常在超市購物、重視產品外觀、對農藥與化肥在環境保護與食品安全之影響較無概念。因此向此群消費者促銷宜加強化學物質對環境保護與食品安全之影響較無概念。因此向此群消費者促銷宜加強化學物質對環境與食品安全危害之教育。未來超級市場對有機農產品之需求將快速增加,但此市場之消費者並非忠誠消費者,有機商店及配送系統仍將是最穩定的有機農產品市場。 |
英文摘要 | Since the food security and environmental protection are considered more and more important, organic agriculture is developing rapidly in recent years. This paper attempted to segment the consumers into some groups according to the frequency of buying and willingness to buy the organic agricultural products, and study the behavior and characters of the consumers in each group. Using the principal component analysis, an index of willing to buy the organic agricultural products is created. This index as well as the frequency of buying the orgainc agricultural products is used as segmentation variable. The consumers are segmented into 4 clusters in this study. They are: (1) group of devoted consumers: high frequency of buying and high willingness to buy, (2) group of critical consumers: high frequency of buying but low willingness to buy, (3) group of potential consumers: high willingness to buy but low frequency of buying, (4) group of consumers who have no concern for organic agricultural products: low willingness to buy and low frequency of buying. Using the factor analysis, nine factors are obtained from 24 variables, which describe the consumers' opinion to agricultural production and organic agriculture. These nine factors as well as the demographic statistics and behavior variables of the consumers are used to describe and distinguish the consumers' characters in each cluster. |