題 名 | 液化石油氣汽車引擎性能、毒性、污染與噪音特性分析及預測模式建立之研究=The Study of Characteristics Analysis & Prediction Model Setting for Engine Performance, PAHs Emission and Exhaust & Noise Emission in LPG Automobiles |
作 者 | 吳贊鐸; 陳義男; 謝傳璋; 王昭男; | 書刊名 | 國立臺灣大學工程學刊 |
卷 期 | 74 1998.10[民87.10] |
頁 次 | 頁43-64 |
分類號 | 446.44 |
關鍵詞 | 液化石油氣; 引擎性能; 多環芳香烴化合物污染; 排氣污染; 排放係數; 逐步迴歸分析法; 預測模式; 氣相層析質譜儀; LPG; Engine performance; PAHs emission; Exhaust & noise emission; Emission factor; Stepwise regression procedure; Prediction model; GC/MS; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 如何有效改善都會區之空氣品質,降低車輪污染,節約能源消耗,維護國民健康,已為邁向二十一世紀之主要課題。而液化石油氣(LPG)之使用,將可解決(Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons; PAHs)、污染及噪音特性作一整合性分析與預測模式之建立。 本研究利用 SAS 統計軟體所建立之LPG汽車排氣污染量(Y-co, Y-Hc, Y-Nox)線性迴歸預測模式具顯著水準且可說明程度高(R��=0.9998, 0.637, 0.946)可用於LPG汽車排放污染總量推估之用。而使用LPG時,若輔以“犧牲CO污染值),補償NOx污染值”及“液化石油氣汽車怠速調整與故障排除法”二大對策則其污染量均可通過環保署84.7.1排放標準且21種PAHs中,僅有6種非致癌性之CYC、NaP、COR、Pyr、AcPy、Bbc貢獻最大(即濃度最高),對人體健康不造成負面影響。且在2200 RPM時之引擎性能最佳、毒性及污染最低,可為推廣使用LPG汽車及其零組件(如:文氏管)最佳化設計之用。 |
英文摘要 | How to improve urban air quality, vehicle emission, fuel efficiency and pbulic health protection are top urgent issues right now. In this paper, the characteristics for engine performance, PAHs emission and exhaust & noise emission in LPG automobiles are analyzed, the prediction model is also conducted by SAS statistics analyis program. The exhausted emission (CO、HC、 NOX)from LPG automobiles can meet 1995-EPA emission standard by standard adjustment value and method which create from this study, and it's linear regression prediction model (Y-co, Y-Hc, Y-NOx) have a significant level(i.e., R��=0.9998, 0.637, 0.946) to predict exhaust mass emissions. Only 6PAHs (without toxicity)--CYC, NaP, COR, Pyr, AcPy, Bbc has a vital contribution (i.e., PAHs concentrations are high), but also does not affect humanbeing health. According to the analysis of present study, the optimized performance was obtained at 2200 rpm (i.e., 80kph) driving condition, can apply to traffic transportation management and designation of LPG parts (shush as: venturii of mixer). |