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題 名 | 研製二氧化碳噴壓系統應用於製造廢紙纖維水泥板之探討=Development of a Carbon Dioxide Injection Pressing System and Its Application to the Manufacture of Wastepaper Fiber-Cement Board |
作 者 | 尹華文; 汪淮; 鄒哲宗; | 書刊名 | 林產工業 |
卷 期 | 17:4 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁785-799 |
分類號 | 474.1 |
關鍵詞 | 二氧化碳; 噴壓系統; 質量流量; 質量流速; 舊報紙; 廢紙纖維水泥板; Carbon dioxide; Injection pressing system; Mass flow; Old newspaper; Wastepaper fiber-cement board; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 二氧化碳噴壓法可快速製造各類之水泥板,而製板之關鍵,則繫於裝備之良窳, 因此本試驗乃先行設二氧化碳噴壓系統及其成型裝置,再應用於廢紙纖維水泥板之研製,並 探討二氧化碳之噴氣壓力、水泥╱廢紙纖維比、水灰比等因子,對製板時二氧化碳流速及流 量之影響。結果顯示:所設計之噴壓系統,具有操控便捷,並可將高壓、高速下之二氧化碳, 就其流速及流量全程量測、紀錄、統計及圖示。而成型裝置則具有易於拆卸、保養容易和彈 性製造不同厚度板材之特性。利用此套設備可於數分鐘內製造廢紙纖維水泥板,並得知二氧 化碳流速及流量之經時變化,並且以該模式圖,可作為快速製板、估算成本和作為設計、改 良製程之依據。經由製板結果顯示:當提高二氧化碳之噴入壓力時,不但其進入板坯及其滲 入的流速均較高,且時間縮短,此將有助於提升製板速度;而以不同之水泥╱廢紙纖維比製 板時,二氧化碳的用量,均隨水泥量的增加而遞增,且其流速亦呈加快的趨勢;至於水灰比 之效應,則呈現二氧化碳之滲入速度及流量,均依其比例的上升而增加;當使用爐石水泥為 膠合劑時,所耗用之二氧化碳則較卜特蘭水泥者為少。 |
英文摘要 | The carbon dioxide injection pressing process can quickly produce various kinds of cement boards, the key to successful production of boards depends on the performance of the equipment. The study involved the preparation of carbon dioxide injection pressing system and forming device, followed by using the designed system for board formation through the investigation of the effects of such factors as injecting pressure, cement-waste paper fiber ratio, and water-cement ratio on the flow rate and volume of carbon dioxide in board preparation. The results indicated that the pressurized injecting system can be easily controlled with adequate measurement. Recording, statistics and graphic presentation for the flow rate and volume of high pressure and high speed carbon dioxide throughout the whole series of testing could be obtained. The forming device showed easy dismantling, maintenance and flexibility for manufacturing board of various thickness. By using this system it was possible to prepare wastepaper fiber-cement board in a few minutes. It also revealed the time variation of flow rate and volume of carbon dioxide. This novel model might become the basis for quick production, cost estimation, design and process improvement. From the results of boards preparation, it showed that the flow rate for entry and permeation of CO□ into the board increased with increasing injection pressure and the time required for board preparation was shortened. With various ratios of cement/waste paper fiber, the amount of carbon dioxide used increased with increasing amount of cement along with higher flow rate; For the effect of water-cement ratio, it showed that the permeation rate and volume of carbon dioxide increased with increasing ratio. When slag cement was used as the adhesive, the amount of carbon dixide required was less than that for Portland cement. |