題 名 | 維根斯坦「哲學探索」語言分析觀對學校教育的啟示=Ludwig Wittgenstein's Later Philosophical Concepts in Philosophical Investigations and the Enlightenment of Language Analysis for Education |
作 者 | 顏芳枝; | 書刊名 | 教育研究 |
卷 期 | 6 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁433-449 |
分類號 | 147.79 |
關鍵詞 | 維根斯坦; 語言分析; 學校教育; Ludwig Wittgenstein; Philosophical investigations; Language analysis; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 維根斯坦是二十世紀西方著名分析哲學家之一,在維根斯坦的哲學觀點中著重從 語言上的分析來釐清哲學問題和概念。 維氏的哲學思想分為前後兩期,其代表作分別為 << 邏輯哲學論叢 >> 和 << 哲學探索 >>。 前期觀點導源於羅素的邏輯實證思想因此企圖以邏 輯分析來澄清語言的真假;後期維氏藉由對日常生活人們語言的使用情形來一窺語言的動態 特性,並針對早期哲學思想提出邏輯刻板語言分析的錯誤,指出語言乃人際互動的產物,須 在情境使用下的語言才有意義,藉由生活和實際使用理解語言,進而賦與語言生命力。本文 以文獻調查和哲學分析法進行研究,重點為藉由對維根斯坦生平和前後期哲學思想之轉變來 探討維根斯坦後期重要著作 << 哲學探索 >> 所中提出的語言分析中心論題:語言遊戲、家 族相似性、語言生活形式觀、工具箱意義理論、反隱私語言、深層語法使用規則等,以說明 維氏的後期哲學觀點,並進一步提出其對我國學校教育的啟示。 |
英文摘要 | Ludwig Wittgenstein, 1889-1951 is one of the famous analytic philosophers concentrated upon analyzing languages and also a key-point role on the development of western philosophy from focusing on oneness to diversity. Wittgenstein's philosophical thoughts can be divided into two periods and showed individually in his two well-known writings, Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus and Philosophical Investigations. During Wittgenstein's early thoughts from Bertrand Russell's logical philosophy, he desires to clarify the logical structures of languages with serious analytic methods guiding people following rules to establish so-called "ideal language". However, later Wittgenstein turns his attention to study the language usages in people's daily life. Variety is the spice of the life and the same as languages. The social linguist, William Labor(1969) has pointed out that the social situation is the most powerful determinant of verbal behavior. Languages reflecting forms of people's life can't be restricted by logical rules and are produced with interaction between people in various conditions. Therefore, we can say that Wittgenstein's later thoughts emphasizing on "ordinary languages" is the revolution against the logical philosophy. This study uses Literature Survey and Philosophical Analysis methods to comprehend Wittgenstein's thoughts. The concentration of the study is to understand Wittgenstein's life and the turn -point upon his philosophical concepts. Meanwhile, with discussing Wittgenstein's main language theses in his later writing, Philosophical Investigations:Language Games. Form of Life, Anti-Private Language. Die Tiefengrammatik, Familien-ahnlichkeiten, the writer points out the enlightenment of Wittgenstein's main concepts for education and then gives some suggestions to improve current school conditions. |