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題 名 | 師院生科技態度之調查--以花蓮師院為例=A Study of College Students' Attitudes Toward Technology |
作 者 | 張玉山; | 書刊名 | 花蓮師院學報 |
卷 期 | 8 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁297+299-313+315 |
分類號 | 522.633 |
關鍵詞 | 師院生; 科技態度; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以花師學生為對象,探討大學生的科技態度。所採用的研究方法包括文獻分 析及調查法。玆將主要的研究結果列述如次: 1.以態度領域(接受、反應、重視、組織、品格完成)及科技內涵(科技資源、科技技術、 科技產品、科技影響)建構科技態度內涵。 2.整體上,花師學生對科技持有正面的積極態度。 3.花師學生對科技資源及科技影響的態度,高過於科技技術與科技產品。 4.花師學生對科技的態度層次,以「接受」及「重視」的低層次態度為主。 5.花師數理背景與語文背景的學生,對科技的態度並無差異。 6.花師學生年級越高者,科技態度越積極。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of the study was to investigate the attitudes toward technology of National Hualien Teachers College(NHLTC) students in Taiwan. A technology attitude scale was developed and used to collect data. Specific statistical procedure include: (1) all questions received a factorial analysis to validate grouping of sub-scales, and Pearson correlation internal consistence reliability test was run on; (2) t- test and ANOVA and Tukey post-hoc test were used to analyze differences on the attitudes toward technology that may be attributed to gender, grade, and department. Results indicated the following: (1) NHLTC students' attitudes toward technology were positive, but in low level. (2). Difference of attitude toward technology of NHLTC students was caused by some factors such as gender and grade level. |