- 無土育苗介質檢出之Rhizoctonia solani的病原性與族群動態
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題 名 | 無土育苗介質檢出之Rhizoctonia solani的病原性與族群動態=Pathogenicity and Population Dynamics of Rhizoctonia Solani Isolated from Soilless Nursing Mixture |
作 者 | 葉俊巖; 張光寧; 張梅玲; 謝式坢鈺; 黃義雄; | 書刊名 | 桃園區農業改良場研究報告 |
卷 期 | 31 1997.12[民86.12] |
頁 次 | 頁32-42 |
分類號 | 435.2 |
關鍵詞 | 無土介質; 立枯絲核菌; 病原性; 族群動態; Soilless mixture; Rhizoctonia; Pathogenicity; Population dynamics; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 由無土介質中誘釣Rhizoctonia,可檢出AG 4,AG 7,WAGO與AG 1,其中AG 4會造 成典型病徵菜苗死亡,而WAGO與AG 1主要危害水稻,在甘藍苗上僅造成局部病斑,在蔬菜育 苗介質中出現是因育苗業者習慣以田土或砂拌入無土介質中。WAGO與AG 1較喜30℃以上之高 溫,而AG 4則在25℃生長較快,因此選擇性培養基外,配合溫度處理也可作鑑別分離。 Rhizoctonia solani之寄主雖廣,但各融合群間之寄主範圍仍具差異性,AG 4,AG 1與WAGO 在直接與寄主體表接觸時會形成侵入褥(infection cushion),但隔著半透性之賽路芬 (cellophane)置於甘藍苗上不會形成侵入褥,可能是與寄主接觸面過小,或賽路芬袋太厚以 致對寄主植物體表無法辨認。每公斤泥炭土介質接種1克麥粒培養之Rhizoctonia接種源,於 接種後第三天其族群量上升,以甘藍種子誘釣,檢出率高達95%,第六天則下降至30%,但在 第14天其檢出率又高達90%,可能是於接種初期麥粒基質仍有足夠之營養基質(food base), 而後因營養快速耗盡而下降;隨後族群再度上升,可能是由於無土介質所含之大量有機質適 合Rhizoctonia之需求。而以1%米糠-BVB No. 4介質培養之接種源,較適合AG 4 group,其 鑑別效率較高,但高量之米糠可能因含氮量太高,會導致細菌或其他拮抗菌大量增殖而抑制 Rhizoctonia,以致族群快速下降。由此可推論賽路芬(Rhizoctonia)之族群動態受基質中有 機物質所左右,故以適當種類與含量之有機質管理可抑制Rhizoctonia造成之苗腐病。 |
英文摘要 | AG 4, AG 7, WAGO and AG 1 anastomosis groups of Rhizoctonia solani were isolated from diseased seedlings collected from soilless nursing mixtures prepared with sand or rice field soil. Typical symptoms and death of vegetable seedlings only caused by AG 4 groups. Whereas local lesions were caused by WAGO and AG 1 groups. Growth of WAGO and AG 1 were faster at 30℃ or higher, however, AG 4 groups favor 25℃ for mycelial growth, thus temperature treatments associated with selective media may available for differential isolation of R. solani. Host ranges of R. solani are very wide, yet differences were among different anastomosis groups. Any groups of R. solani didn't form infection cushions in cellophane bags, even directly put the bags on cabbage seedlings, perhaps due to insufficient area of contact or missed recognition of host surface structure due to the thickness of cellophane bags, but AG 4, AG 1 and WAGO did from infection cushions only when directly contact with host tissues. Populations of Rhizoctonia in soilless nursing mixture were arised after three days of wheat inoculum were inoculated, but tends to decreased after six days of inoculation, however, baiting frequencies of the pathogen were again higher than 90%, perhaps due to consumption of primary food base, the rebound of Rhizoctonia population were postulated as colonization of the fungus on organic materials in soilless nursing mixture. 1% of rice bran-BVB No. 4 were more available for prepare of inoculum for AG 4 group, but higher rice bran contant would result in over proliferation of bacteria or certain antagonists since its higher content of nitrogen sources. Thus it was postulated, proper strategies for organic matter management for soilless nursing mixture may be available approach for managing Rhizoctonia damping-off. |