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題 名 | 氯黴素對臺灣豬病原性細菌分離株之藥物敏感性=Sensitivity of Chloramphenicol Against Porcine Pathogenic Bacteria in Taiwan |
作 者 | 魯懿萍; 陳德; 鄭益謙; 蔡清恩; | 書刊名 | 中華民國獸醫學會雜誌 |
卷 期 | 24:2 1998.06[民87.06] |
頁 次 | 頁92-98 |
分類號 | 437.23 |
關鍵詞 | 氯黴素; 豬病原性細菌; 藥物敏感性; Chloramphenicol; Porcine; Pathogenic bacteria; Drug sensitivity; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為了解氯徽素(chloramphenicol))對目前臺灣重要豬病原性細菌分離株之藥物敏 感性, 乃將自臺灣北、 中、南三區共 38 個豬場分離到 Escherichia coli、 Salmonella sp., Pasteurella sp., Streptococcus sp., Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae 等五種 細菌共 114 株病原菌, 以紙錠擴散法 (disc diffusion method) 及微量肉湯稀釋法 (broth microdilution method) 進行氯黴素之藥物敏感性試驗。 結果在紙錠擴散法方面, chloramphenicol 對 Pasteurella sp. 之敏感性百分此最高 (85.71 %, 次為 A. pleuropneumoniae (73.68 % ) 及 Streptococcus sp. (66.67 % )。 所有 E.coli 測試 菌株均對菌株均對 chloramphenicol 有很強之抗藥性 (敏感性比率為 0 % ),Salmonella sp. 抗藥性亦很強 (敏感性比率只有 11.54 % )。 微量肉湯稀釋法之測定結果與紙錠瓊脂 擴散法相類似,兩者無顯著差異 (P>0.05)。以微量肉湯稀釋法測定 chloramphenicol 對五 種細菌之 MIC �t及 MIC90, 結果 E.coli 及 Salmonella sp. 之比值相當高 (E.coli 之 MIC �t及 MIC90 分別為 415 及 829.5 μ g/mL; 而 Salmonella sp. 則分別為 324.3 μ g/mL 及 798.5 μ g/mL)。 而 Apleuropneumoniae 之 MIC �t值為五種細菌中最低者 (2.76 μ g/mL), 其次為 Streptococcus sp., (6.67 μ g/mL) 及 Pasteurella sp. (11.05 μ g/mL)。 A. pleuropneumoniae 之 MIC �t值雖為 2.76 μ g/mL, 但其 MIC90 卻為 134.1 μ g/mL,兩者相差近 50 倍,為五種細菌中 MIC �t及 MIC90 值相差最 大者,顯示各豬場 A. Pleuropneumoniae 菌株對 chloramphenicol 之藥物敏感性差異很大 。 依以上結果顯示 chloramphenicol 已不適用於治療豬隻 E.coli 及 Salmonella sp. 感 染性, 而 A. Pleuropneumoniae、 Streptococcus sp. 及 Pasteurella sp. 雖然對 chloramphenicol 仍具敏感性, 但 MIC 值已較過去提高, 且每場差異很大, 因此使用 chloramphenicol 前最好先行測定 MIC 值,以確保療效並防止抗藥性之產生。 |
英文摘要 | To investigate the resistance of porcine pathogenic bacteria to chloramphenicol in Taiwan, we sampled 38 pig farms located in northern, central, and southern Taiwan. The E. coli, Salmonella spp., Pasteurella multocida. Streptococcus spp., and Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae were selected to test the susceptibility of chloramphenicol. The disc diffusion method and broth microdilution method were used in this study. The results were: (1) in the disc diffusion method, we found that the rates of susceptibility towards chloramphenicol were Pasteurella multocida (85.71%) , ActirtobaciHus pleuropneumonia (73.68%), Streptococcus spp. (66.67%), Salmonella spp. (11.54%), and E. coli (0%); and (2) the results of the broth method were similar to the findings of the disc diffusion method. The MIC �t and MIG90 for these bacteria were: E. co/(415 μ g/mL, 829.5 μ g/mL), Salmonella spp. (324.3 μ g/mL, 798.5 ng/mL), Pasteurella multocida (11.05 ug/mL, 122.2 ug/mL), Streptococcus spp. (6.67 μ g/mL, 58.3 μ g/mL), and Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (2.76 μ g/mL, 134.1 μ g/mL). The biggest difference between MIC �t and MIG90 was in Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae which indicates that this bacteria has a large range of susceptibility to chloramphenicol. This present study suggests that (1) chloramphenicol is not suitable to be used in treating porcine E.coli or Salmonella spp. infection. (2) chloramphenicol is still useful in treating porcine Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Streptococcus spp., andPasteurella multocida infection. However, MIC value chloramphenicol is higher and range of susceptibility is larger; therefore, precise measurements of the MIC is necessary to insure the effective treatment. |