- 假性狂犬病TK[fed2]變異株之病原性及其免疫保護效力
- 豬假性狂犬病疫苗免疫後抗體力價之消長
- Pathogenicity and Efficacy of Various Commercial Infectious Bursal Disease Vaccines in Two Vaccination Programms in Chicken
- 利用免疫膠體金方法觀察細胞內病毒分佈之微細構造: 假性狂犬病
- 豬假性狂犬病之控制策略在密集免疫次數和管理之研究探討
- The Application of Immunogold Labelling in the Diagnosis of Swine Pseudorabies Infection
- 豬假性狂犬病感染母豬對豬瘟免疫的影響
- Utilization of Direct Immunoperoxidase Method to Detect Pseudorabies Virus Dissemination in infected Pigs
- 假性狂犬病毒TK變異株疫苗開發
- An Acetylethyleneimine Inactivated Thymidine Kinase and Glycoprotein X Deleted Pseudorabies Vaccine for the Prevention and Serological Dfferentiation of Pseudorabies in Swine