題 名 | 臺北市遊覽區遊客生活型態、遊覽原因及遊後態度之研究=A Study of the Taipei Tourists' Lifestyles, Touring Motivation and Post-Touring Attitude |
作 者 | 李芝靜; 余若芸; | 書刊名 | 銘傳學刊 |
卷 期 | 8 1997.08[民86.08] |
頁 次 | 頁41-64 |
分類號 | 992.3 |
關鍵詞 | 生活型態; 生活型態構面; 人口統計變數; 目標態度; Life style; Life style construct; Demographic factor; Objective attitude; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以問卷在臺北市故宮博物院、中正紀念堂、國父紀念館、兒童樂園、動物 園、美術館及陽明山國家公園等遊覽區內或出口處採人員訪問,以系統抽樣,每隔四名遊客 抽出一人訪問,共回收615份有效問卷,經因素分析法分析,與活動、興趣、意見有關的23 個一般生活型態及14個特殊生活型態問題後,共得9個構面,連同性別、年齡、職業及家庭 週期等人口統計變數將各遊覽區做生活型態區隔,再探討各遊覽區遊客遊覽動機及遊覽後趨 近目標的態度,向有關管理當局提供建議,俾達成提昇臺北市居民戶外休閒品質。 |
英文摘要 | Field study and survey questionaires were used to survey tourists who visited National Palace Museum、Chiang Kai-Shek's Memorial Hall、Dr. sun Yat- Sen's Memorical Hall、Municipal Children Recreation Center、Fine Art Museum and YangMingshan National park within Taipei City.Systematic Sampling methed is used to collect in total 615 valid questionaires. Answers of 23 questions related to common life style and 14 questions related to specific life style were analyzed and reduced to 9 life style construct by factor analysis. This study uses demographic factors such as sex, age, vocation and family cycle as well as the 9 life style construct to characterize the 7 touring places mentioned above. Touring Motivation and post-touring objective attitude were also explored for each touring place. Suggestions were then proposed to the organizations in charge, in order that the quality of Taipei residents' outdoor leisure life can be upgraded. |