題 名 | 大學外宿生電器用品使用模式及生活型態之研究=A Study on the Using Model in Electrical Appliances and Life Styles of Off-Campus College Students |
作 者 | 楊靜; 李建臻; | 書刊名 | 科技學刊 |
卷 期 | 7:4 1998.10[民87.10] |
頁 次 | 頁387-400 |
分類號 | 525.78 |
關鍵詞 | 大學生; 電器用品; 使用模式; 生活型態; 族群分佈; College students; Electrical appliances; Use model; Group allocation; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以分佈臺灣北、中、南、東部等地區,14所大學院校在外租宿的1,440名 學生為調查對象,進行其目前租屋環境、租屋形式以及租屋需求條件、電器用品基本需求情 形、使用模式、AIOs生活型態量表及生活作息時間等問卷調查,並針對不同族群的12位個 案進行訪談調查,加以驗證。經過統計分析結果,得知大學外宿生的基本必備電器用品,飲 食方面有電冰箱、熱水瓶、電磁爐;衣物處理上有洗衣機和脫水機;休閒生活方面有隨身聽、 音響及手提收錄音機等;住居學習方面有檯燈、電扇和吹風機等。 根據生活型態量表的問卷調查結果,經因素分析後,將外宿生生活型態決定因素分為:1) 積極進取因素,2)交友玩樂因素,3)物慾衝動因素,4)自我充實因素,5)重視休閒因素,6) 活躍外向因素,7)乖巧順從因素,8)臨時抱佛腳因素等八項因素。接著將生活型態因素變數 進行集群分析,而將外宿生分為:1)自我實現族,2)平凡中庸族,3)乖巧樂天族,4)物質享 樂族等四個族群。從本研究的現況調查結果,發現國內大學外宿生中確實存在著不同生活型 態的類型及族群,而各族群對於電器使用模式也有明顯差異,其結果將可直接提供企業開發 新產品的參考,或做為生活文化與設計研究上的參考依據,繼續研究發展。 |
英文摘要 | This study surveys 1440 college students, who live in rent places, from 14 colleges in Taiwan, on their rent environment and needs, basic need of electrical appliances, use model of electrical appliances and AIOs scales of life styles etc. Then, to verify the above finding we conduct a focus interview to 12 subjects from groups of different life styles . The statistical results show that the basic need of electrical appliances includes refrigerator, electrical thermos and magnetic- wave stove for their dietary life; washing machine and cloth dryer for launder works; Walkman, portable audio and radio cassette recorders for their leisure life, and desk lighting, electric fan and hair-dryer for their study and residence. By factor analysis , we find that life style of live-out college students can be categorized into the following types: active and aggressive, eager for companionship and frolic, objects obsessive and impulsive, self- fulfillment, emphasizing leisure life, zesty and extrovert, docile and dutiful, study on the final countdown. The cluster analysis divides subjects into the following 4 sub-groups: group of self- fulfillment, mediocrity, group of docile and optimism, group of primrose path. We selected refrigerator and washing machine to study use model among groups of different life styles. It is found that the most popular goods stored in refrigerators are freezing food and beverages. The group of docile and optimism comprises more females than males, and they like cooking better. The use model of washing machine are different between females and males. The use model of males is to wash all clothes with washing machine. The use model of females is to wash selected clothes with washing machine only. We found the college students who live in rent places live in different life styles. Among groups of different life styles are also with different use model of electrical appliances. The results of this study can directly be applied to designing product of electrical appliances and to further study on use model and life styles. |