題 名 | 電腦遊戲軟體消費行為、盜拷行為及其相關因素之研究--以大臺北地區消費者為例=A Study on the Consumer Behavior in Regard to Computer Game Softwares, Piracy, and Their Related Factors:Taking the Taipei District Consumers for Example |
作 者 | 張紹勳; | 書刊名 | 民意研究季刊 |
卷 期 | 207 1999.01[民88.01] |
頁 次 | 頁59-85 |
分類號 | 496.34 |
關鍵詞 | 電腦遊戲軟體; 盜拷行為; 生活型態; 消費行為; 法律態度; Computer game software; Piracy; Life style; Consuming behavior; Legal attitude; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在探討國內民眾電腦遊戲軟體的消費行為、盜拷行為及其背景因素的影響 力,研究結果可作為資訊電腦業經營者及政府推動「資訊化社會」的參考。研究方法採問卷 調查法,研究樣本為大臺北區563名消費者,經實証分析,獲得下列結論:(1)受訪者的生 活型態可分為七大類型,而此七種生活型態可將消費者區隔成「領導流行╱特殊風格」、「 傳統知足型」、「保守╱依賴型」等三個族群。(2)影響消費者電腦遊戲軟體盜拷率的背 景因素有六項。(3)消費者的法律態度可分為五大類,而此五大類法律態可將消費者區隔 為:不信任法律型、投機型、守法型等3個族群。(4)消費者購買經驗因不同的生活型態、 不同的人口統計變數而有差異,但不受法律態度的影響。(5)影響消費者電腦遊戲軟體購 買率的背影因素有7項。(6)一般消費最高意願價,磁片型為550元以下,CD型為1000元以 下。(7)國內消費電腦遊戲軟體是屬「自已購買」的人口比例為盜拷者的三倍多。整體而 言,遊戲軟體盜拷率為四成四,盜拷主因有3項,有效遏止盜拷軟體的方法有2個。(8)國 內消費者最喜好的電腦遊戲類型有五種。 |
英文摘要 | The present thesis aims at exploring into the Taiwan public's ocmputer game software's consuming behaviors, piracy, and the influences found with their background factors. The results hopefully could serve as reference for the information and computer businessmen and the government in their promotion of an "informationalized society." Questionnaires are used for the present survey and the samples taken of 563 consumers. Through experimental analysis, the results are as follows: (1)The life styles of the interviewees can be divided into seven types, which can be further categorized as of the following three divisions: those that lead the fashion or demonstrate special tastes, those that are tradtional and complacent, and those that reserve and rely. (2) The background factors influencing consumer computer game software piracy are six. (3) Consumers' legal attitude can be classified as of five types, which can be further generalized as of three main groups: those who distrust the laws, those that prospect, and those abide by laws. (4)Consumers' purchase experience differs because of different life styles and different population statistical variants, but not their legal attitudes. (5)The background factors lying behind consumers' purchase of computer game software are seven. (6)The highest prices general consumers are willing to five are 550 for disks and 1000 for CDs. (7)Domestically, the number of persons paying money for computer game softwares are three times that of person using pirate versions. As a whole, 44% of the computer game softwares suffer from piracy. There are three factors accounting for the piracy and two ways that are effective in impeding such acts. (8)The Taiwan public's favorite computer game softwares are of five types. |