題 名 | 應用迴歸法於都市邊緣山坡地土地利用變遷之偵測--以臺北市南港區山坡地為例=Application of Regression Method in Detecting Land Use Changes on Hillslope Around Urban Area--Using Nankong District of Taipei City as an Example |
作 者 | 陳文福; 戴梓卿; | 書刊名 | 水土保持學報 |
卷 期 | 29:4 1997.12[民86.12] |
頁 次 | 頁337-366 |
分類號 | 434.278 |
關鍵詞 | 迴歸分析; 像元灰度值; 非監督式分類法; 影像相減法; 土地利用變遷監測; Regression analysis; Unsuppervised classification method; Image differencing method; Change detection; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究以自建之迴歸分析法分別由南港區山坡地區所選取三個小試區兩期SPOT衛 星第二波段之影像,在經航空照片判釋後將小試區內未發生變遷之像元灰度值取出以進行迴 歸分析,在 99% 及 95% 兩種信賴區間下,推估全區影像之變遷範圍。所得之結果與最常 用之非監督式分類後比較法及影像相減法之經驗法等傳統之土地利用變遷監測方法進行比較 。謹將研究結果摘述如下:一、以小試區兩期影像間未變遷像元之灰度值進行迴歸分析,得 其迴歸式, 在給定 95% 之信賴區間下以之推估全區變遷,其結果顯示有高估變遷區之現象 ;而在 99% 信賴區間下來推估全區未變遷像元之灰度值範圍時,其結果則頗佳。 二、在信 賴區間為 99% 之條件下, 分別由各試區所建立之迴歸式以推估全區未變遷像元之灰度值範 圍時偵測之準確度為:試區 1 為:65.4%,試區 2 為:62.6%,試區 3 為 61.8%; 而以影像 相減法中之經驗法與非監督式分類後比較法推估之結果則分別為 64.8% 與 51.4%。 足見分 類後比較法比其餘兩法之準確度稍差 10% 以上。 三、由於南港區山坡地兩期第二波段影像 灰度值相減值之直方圖甚似對稱之常態分佈,因此以本研究自建之迴歸分析法所得變遷偵測 結果之準確度與經驗法所得者相當,且均比以非監督式分類後比較法要好,其結果值得肯定 ,本研究所自建之迴歸分析法誠屬可行。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to estimate the range of changes with two second bands of SPOT satellite images of different dates by using the self-established regression analysis method at two confidence interval 99%and 95%. Those images were derived through recognizing the gray value of unchanged pixels on three experimental sites which was selected at the hill slope land of Nankang District. The results were compared to two classical method of pro-classification comparison by unsupervised method and image differencing. The results were summarized as follows:1.Using the self-established regression equation of gray value of unchanged pixels to estimate the land use change that were detected. The 95% confidence interval resulted on greater change detected area and 99% estimation result was more closely.2.The accuracy of estimating the range of unchanged gray value of pixels of three sites with the self-established regression analysis method under 99% cohnfidence interval were:65.4%,62.6% and 61.8% respectively. But those derived by the experimental method of image differencing and post-classification comparison method by suppervised classification on all three sites were 64.8% and 51.4% expressively. 3.To the hyetographs of differenced gray value of the images of the second band at the hill slope land of Nakang District were very close to normal distribution. Consequently the accuracy of the results derived with the self-established regression analysis method and the experimental method of image differencing were more approachable and both were better than that derived with post-classification comparison method by suppervised classification . |