題 名 | 編製國小六年級男生健康體適能效標參照的組合測驗=Construction of Criterion-referenced of Health-related Physical Fitness Test Battery in the Age 12 of the Taiwan's Boys |
作 者 | 姚漢禱; | 書刊名 | 體育學報 |
卷 期 | 26 1998.12[民87.12] |
頁 次 | 頁65-72 |
分類號 | 993.16 |
關鍵詞 | 健康體適能測驗; 效標參照測驗; 組合測驗; 邏輯迴歸分析; 編製測驗; Health-related physical fitness test; Criterion-referenced test; Test battery; Logistic regression; Test construction; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的是編製我國小學六年級男生健康體適能效標參照的組合測驗。以過 胖與正常類別變項為效標的 logistic 迴歸分析, 研究對象是秀朗國小六年級男生 602 名 ,複核效度以大庄和雙溪國小六年級男生 130 名計算。健康體適能測驗在民國 86 年 5 月 施測, 內容包括:姓名、出生日期、身高、體重、坐姿體前彎(公分)、立定跳遠、30 秒 仰臥起坐、60 秒仰臥起坐、800 公尺跑走等九項。 得到健康體適能效標參照組合測驗的迴 歸公式: logit p=-10.55-0.09 × 60 秒仰臥起坐(次)+ 0.04 × 800 公尺跑走(秒) 此效標參照測驗效度係數 0.705, 複核效度為 0.685, 效度參照測驗信度的一致性比率 0.888、kappa 係數 0.690 和修正 kappa 係數 0.776。 因此,本研究的結論為:編製我國 小學六年級男生健康體適能效標參照的組合測驗,具有良好的測驗品質。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of the study was to construct a test battery of criterion- referenced for health-related physical fitness in the age 12 of the Taiwan's boys. The obesity and normal of binary response variables were to analyze the logistic regression model. Subjects for this study included 602 boys in the Show-Long elementary school, and the cross validation was computed by 130 boys in the Tai-Zung and the Song-See elementary school. The content of tests were name, age, height, weight, sit and reach test, stand jump test, half-minute sit-ups test, 1-minute sit-ups test, and 800m run and walk test in may 1997. The result of logistic regression equation is logit p= -10.55-0.09×1-minute sit-ups+0.04×800m The test battery are validity of the phi (Φ) coefficient 0.705 and cross validation 0.685 in criterion-referenced measurement. Establishing reliability is the proportion of agreement 0.888, Cohen kappa 0.690 and modified kappa 0.776 in criterion-referenced measurement. Hence, the conclusion of the study show that this test battery has a good characteristics to construct the criterion- referenced of healthrelated physical fitness in the age 12 of the Taiwan's boys. |