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題 名 | 山羊關節炎腦炎病毒之病毒分離、病毒增殖及抗原性分析=Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis:Virus Isolation, Replication, and Antigenicity |
作 者 | 李維誠; 韓佳洲; 簡茂盛; 林正忠; 劉正義; | 書刊名 | 臺灣畜牧獸醫學會會報 |
卷 期 | 67:2 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁77-86 |
分類號 | 437.246 |
關鍵詞 | 山羊關節炎腦炎病毒; 西方墨點法; 病毒增殖; 電子顯微鏡; Caprine arthritis encephalitis; Western blotting; Virus replication; Transmission electron microscope; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 為瞭解臺灣山羊關節炎腦炎病毒(caprine arthritis encephalitis virus; CAEV) 分離株之病毒蛋白結構及其在各培養細胞內之增殖情形,從乳羊場關節腫大之關節囊 液所分離出之七株山羊關節炎腦炎病毒,用於本試驗。這些病毒株以西方墨點法進行病毒蛋 白分析, 結果顯示這些病毒分離株,賜有相當一致性之結構性蛋白分布,CAEV 感染之陽性 血清可確認病毒之 p14、p16、 p28 及 gp135 等主要結構蛋白, 其中以 p14, p16 及 p28 最為明顯。 吾等以 CAE 臺中分離株 (CAEV-TC1) 進行病毒在各種初代細胞之增殖情形以及 病毒形態觀察。 結果顯示 CAEV 對血液衍生之巨噬細胞 (monocytederived macrophages; MDM)、 山羊表皮細胞 (goat skin keratinocyte; GSK)、 山羊滑膜細胞 (goat synovial membrane cell; GSM) 均具有較高之感受性,並形成巨大之融合細胞之細胞性病變。其中以 MDM 最具敏感性,並造成細胞溶解性感染;但對 GSK 及 GSM 細胞感染,產生細胞病變所需 時間及細胞病變持續時間均較長,並可造成持續感染現象。相對地,肺巨噬細胞則不具明顯 的感受性,以西方墨點法分析並無病毒特異性蛋白出現。電子顯微鏡檢查,病毒顆粒大小約 80-120 nm,表面具有棘狀突起。以螢光抗體檢查,病毒抗原在細胞質內成刷狀排列。 以上 CAEV 在各種細胞增殖之研究可提供診斷試劑開發時大量增殖病毒時之參考。 |
英文摘要 | To compare the viral structural protein of caprine arthritis encephalitis viruses (CAEV), Taiwan isolates, and the characteristics of replication of CAEV in different tissue cultures, seven CAEV isolates were used in this study. Those CAEV isolates cultured in monocytederived-macrophage (MDM) showed a similar pattern of major viral structural proteins including p14, p16, p28 and gp135. The virus isolate, CAEV-TC1, was used in the studies of the comparison of viral replication in different cultures and morphological observation. MDM, goat skin keratinocytes (GSK), and goat synovial membrane (GSM) cells were all susceptible to CAEV infection and showed marked syncytia. CAEV in MDM caused lytic infection and CPE formation as early as 3 days, whilst CPE in virus infected GSK and GSM cultures appeared slowly. Moreover, persistent infection of CAEV in GSK and GSM cultures was also noted in long term culture. In contrast, alveolar macrophages were not sensitive to CAEV, neither CPE formation, nor specific viral peptides detected by western blotting. Under TEM observation, around 80-120 nm in diameter of viral particles with short spikes were noted. Special brush-spot fluorescence in cytoplasm of viral infected skin keratinocytes were found in indirect immunofluorescence staining using CAE positive goat serum. |