- 厭氧流體化床之生物膜顆粒層次模型及代謝活性試驗
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題 名 | 厭氧流體化床之生物膜顆粒層次模型及代謝活性試驗=Biogranule's Model of Anaerobic Biological Fluidized Bed Reactors and Its Metabolic Activity Assays |
作 者 | 林明瑞; 曾四恭; | 書刊名 | 中國土木水利工程學刊 |
卷 期 | 10:3 1998.09[民87.09] |
頁 次 | 頁407-418 |
分類號 | 445.463 |
關鍵詞 | 生物膜; 厭氧分解; 生物流體化床; 掃描式電子顯微鏡; 螢光顯微鏡; Biogranule's layers; Anaerobic degradation; Anaerobic biological fluidized bed reactor; SEM; Fluorescence microscope; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本厭氧生物流體化床反應槽為高效率的厭氧消化槽, 具有高比表面積及高污泥 濃度;而污泥顆粒之生物膜有明顯層次,菌相種類的眾多、完整,亦是造成厭氧生物流體化 床反應槽消化效率高的主因。由掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察及代謝活性試驗結果顯示:厭氧流體 化床之污泥顆粒生物膜有明顯的分層現象,可分為三個層次,四大類菌群,由表層到裡層依 序為:水解、產酸、附著及甲烷形成等菌群;附著菌群約與產酸、甲烷菌群同層。生物膜層 次結構會因進流基質種類、濃度,生長環境之 pH 值、反應槽種類、水力特性等有所變化。 |
英文摘要 | Besides having high specific surface area and a great amount of biomass, the anaerobic biological fluidized bed reactor (ABFBR) is an efficient bioreactor due to biogranules with distinct biofilm layers composed of various bacteria species. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and metabolic activity assays reveal that the biogranules are three-layered structures and, from exterior to interior layer, mainly consist of four kinds bacteria ─ hydrolytic, acid-forming, adhesive, and methanogenic bacteria. The adhe-sive bacteria are situated with the acid-forming and methanogenic bacteria at the same layer. The structure of biofilm layers changes with ingradients and concentration of the influent substrate, pH of the habitat, types and hydraulic characteristics of the bioreactors, etc. |