題 名 | 臺灣婦女勞動參與行為之長期關係分析=Long-Run Relationship of Female Labor Force Particip Ation Behavior in Taiwan |
作 者 | 高月霞; 陳仕偉; | 書刊名 | 東吳經濟商學學報 |
卷 期 | 19 1997.08[民86.08] |
頁 次 | 頁81-108 |
分類號 | 544.53 |
關鍵詞 | 婦女勞動參與率; 向量誤差修正模型; 單根; 共積; Female labor force participation rate; Vector error correction model; Unit root; Cointegration; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文的目的在探討臺灣婦女勞動參與行為和總體經濟狀況及家庭因素等相關變數 間是否存在長期均衡關係。在計量方法上,首先以不同的單根檢定法,檢定實證變數是否具 有單根,接著以Johansen(1988)的最大概似法估計向量誤差修正模型及檢定婦女勞動參與率 與其它變數間是否具有共積。實證結果發現,影響婦女勞參率的因素中,離婚率與景氣同時 指標綜合指數對婦女勞參率有正向長期關係,生育率與婦女勞參率則呈現負向的長期均衡關 係;失業率與婦女勞參率在各年齡組有不同的正負關係。婦女工資率大致呈現替代效果大於所 得效果的現象,表示工資率愈高,婦女願意加入勞動市場的動機愈強。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this paper is to discuss the long-run relationship of female labor force participation with the other labor market indicators in Taiwan. In this article we first detect he stationarity of series by applying different unit root test, then utilize Johansen's procedure to analyze the long-run relationship among female labor force participation rates and other labor market indicators. The results shows that the divorce rate and the composite index rate have positive impact on female participation rate, and the birth rate has negative impact. The unemployment rate has different long-run relationship with female participation rate in ifferent groups. The substitution effect is greater than the income effect for female wage rate, which implies the higher of wage rate the more women want to get into the labor market. |