題 名 | 臺灣對日貿易小型開放經濟假說之檢定=A Test for Small-Open-Economy Hypothesis: Evidence Based on Taiwan-Japan Trade |
作 者 | 簡宣博; 林灼榮; 金大勇; 陳正亮; | 書刊名 | 逢甲學報 |
卷 期 | 31 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁39-64 |
分類號 | 558.5231 |
關鍵詞 | 小型開放經濟假說; 一般化Leontief轉換函數; 單根檢定; 共積檢定; 逆需求與供給價格彈性; Samll-open-economy hypothesis; Generalized leontief transformation function; Unitroot test; Co-integration test; Inverse price elasticity of demand and supply; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文應用對偶理論,建立一般化Leontief轉換函數模型,檢定臺灣對日貿易之市場 結構型態,實證結果發現臺灣對日貿易,無論是對日出口,抑是由日本進口,皆屬貿易小國特 質,受到日本獨買及獨賣雙重剝削;致使臺灣對日出口單價遠不如進口單價,造成貿易條件持 續惡化;換言之,臺灣對日貿易市場結構差異,係引發對日貿易條件惡化與貿易逆差基本肇因 之一。由此觀點推論,短期間想藉由各種財經政策來改善對日貿易逆差,預期其效果當不樂觀 ;蓋因其涉及今後臺灣在出口持續成長及滿足內需條件下,如何消極的降低國內零組件、原材 料及生產技術高度依存日方之產業結構調整問題;積極作為上,更涉及如何打破對日貿易處於 價格接受者之市場結構調整問題。 |
英文摘要 | The duality theory is applied to develop a generalized Leontief transformation function model and test the Taiwan-Japan trade market structure. The results show that Taiwan is a small open economy in terms of its both export and import sectors, it suffers monopolistic as well as monopsonistic exploitation from Japan. The Major cause of Taiwan's term of trade deterioration against Japan is that its export price is lower than import price. In other words, the trade market structure has been one of the factors that causing Taiwan's term of trade deterioration and running trade deficits against Japan. |