- Critical Speeds and Critical Axial Loads of Overhung Shaft-Disk Systems
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題 名 | Critical Speeds and Critical Axial Loads of Overhung Shaft-Disk Systems=外伸轉軸--圓盤系統之臨界轉速與臨界軸向負荷分析 |
作 者 | 陳聯文; 許宏成; | 書刊名 | 中國機械工程學刊 |
卷 期 | 18:4 1997.08[民86.08] |
頁 次 | 頁301-310 |
分類號 | 446.874 |
關鍵詞 | 外伸轉軸; 圓盤系統; 臨界轉速; 臨界軸向負荷; Shaft-disk system; Critical speed; Axial load; Flutter; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
中文摘要 | 本文使用集中質量型模擬外伸轉軸一圓盤系統,並分析其臨界轉速與臨界軸向負 荷。首先以解析的方式推導出在軸向力作用下,外伸轉軸於圓盤之勁度影嚮係數,由於該係 數型式相當複雜,因此在不失精確度下,利用泰勒展開式將其近似表示成軸向力之線性函數 。根據本文所推導出之近似勁度影嚮係數,配合集中質量模型,外伸轉軸一圓盤系統的臨界 轉速與軸向負荷便可快速的求解出來,經與真實解比較後,證實本文所提出的分析模式,具 有相當的精確度。 |
英文摘要 | A lumped mass model is proposed to study the critical speeds and critical axial loads of the overhung shaft-disk systems. In the present study,both the exact and approximate stiffness influence coefficients of the axially loaded overhung shatfs are derived. In order to obtain deeper insight into the dynamic behavior of such shaft-disk systems, the present shaft mathematical model had taken account of shear deformation effect. Because the exact stiffness influence coefficients of the system are highly transcendental and hard to get their characteristics on axial load intuitively,each stifness influence coefficient is expanded in a Taylor's series about axial load. The elegant approximations of them are then obtained. Based on the present approximate stifness influence coefficients, the critical speeds and critical axial loads of the overhung shaft-disk systems can be easily and quickly obtained. Numerical simulations show that the present results are seen to be quite in agreement with the exact soultions. |