- 長行程螺桿支撐機構概述
- 核電廠再循環泵轉子動態分析
- Critical Speeds and Critical Axial Loads of Overhung Shaft-Disk Systems
- Sensitivity Analysis of Critical Speeds to Rotor Support Nocation
- Stability Analysis of Asymmetric Shaft-Asymmetric Disk Rotors
- Transfer Matrix Method for the General Periodic Torsional Vibration of Rotor Svstems
- 預測油環潤滑軸承溫升與溫升對臨界轉速的影響
- Research on Reverse Engineering for Rotor-Bearing Systems Using the Finite Element Method
- 半導體設備之渦輪分子真空泵浦模態測試與振動分析
- 冷媒壓縮機之轉軸偏擺量測及臨界轉速驗證