- Sensitivity Analysis of Critical Speeds to Rotor Support Nocation
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題 名 | Sensitivity Analysis of Critical Speeds to Rotor Support Nocation=轉子系統臨界轉速與支撐位置之敏感性分析 |
作 者 | 蘇振塏; 黃世欽; | 書刊名 | 中國機械工程學刊 |
卷 期 | 18:6 1997.12[民86.12] |
頁 次 | 頁545-553 |
分類號 | 446.875 |
關鍵詞 | 轉子系統; 臨界轉速; 支撐位置; Sensitivity analysis; Critical speed; Support location; Receptance method; |
語 文 | 英文(English) |
英文摘要 | 本文利用修正轉移矩陣法計算未旋轉之自由轉子的模態,再應用假設模態法與接 納法,分析具彈性軸承支撐轉子系統之臨界轉速與固有頻率,此法之重要優點,在於可利用 接納矩陣進行轉子系統之敏感性分析。本研究主要在於探討軸承支撐位置對於臨界轉速影響 之敏感性分析,可提供轉子系統在設計與分析時,能評估、瞭解軸承支撐位置對於臨界轉速 的影響。經由數值計算例的示範,顯示本研究之分析法優越的計算精度與效率。 epresent the rotor with mounted bearings which are represented by sets of stiffness. The critical speeds and the natural frequencies of the rotor are solved numerically. Tha main advantage of this approach is the ability for the sensitivity analysis of rotor characteristics. The present work is focused on the sensitivity study of various support locations to different critical rotor sppeds. It provides the rotor designers and analysts with a quick evaluation and understanding of how the bearing locations affect the critical speeds of the systems. Several numberical examples are given to demonstrate the application of the proposed approach and to show its accuracy and efficiency. |