題 名 | 農地釋出對城鄉發展影響之評估準則--從永續發展的觀點出發=Evaluation Criteria of the Impact of Farmland Release on the Urban-Rural Development--A Sustainable Development Perspective |
作 者 | 李永展; | 書刊名 | 規劃學報 |
卷 期 | 24:1 1997.06[民86.06] |
頁 次 | 頁1-23 |
分類號 | 545.3 |
關鍵詞 | 農地釋出; 城鄉發展; 農地利用; 階層分析法; 問卷調查; Farmland release; Urban-rural development; Sustainable development; Delphi technique; AHP; Analytic hierarchy process; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 歷年來在面臨其他產業強勢競租壓力與都市化外溢效果的影響下,農地迭遭轉用 ,無論在「質」或「量」方面皆對部門內或部門間產生了嚴重衝擊。而政府為配合「振興經 濟方案」研擬的農地釋出政策,將釋出 16 萬公頃的農地供其他產業發展需用,就釋出區位 可分為都市計畫區內之農地與非都市地區之農地,預期對城鄉發展將產生不同層面與程度的 影響。以往城鄉發展多以經濟發展的過程予以界定,但在「成長的極限」下,城鄉必須跳脫 出以「成長量最大」為衡量標的之發展方式,謀求城鄉「永續發展」的出路。從永續發展的 觀點,本文發展出「生命力」、「經濟效率」、與「公平」三個向度來評估農地釋出對城鄉 發展的影響: 在「生命力」向度必須符合系統多樣性、系統回復力與地域特色的維護三個原 則; 在「經濟效率」向度必須考慮使土地利用存留回轉的空間、循環式的經濟發展模式、土 地資源適宜性及區位選擇合理性四個原則; 在「公平」向度則包括回轉與替代成本之計算、 留給後代選擇的餘地、與平衡弱優勢之差距三個原則。 |
英文摘要 | Owing to the pressure of other industries and the spillover effect of urbanization, farmland has been transformed to other uses. As a result, it has caused significant impacts on inter- and intra- sectors in quantitative and qualitative perspectives. Furthermore, according to the Economic Revitalization Project, the government will release 160,000 hectares' farmlands to meet the needs from other industrial development. Expectedly, this will have various impacts on urban-rural development. In the past, the process of urban-rural development is always examined in terms of economic development. However, in view of the "limit to growth," urban-rural development must not be evaluated merely based on "the-more-the-better" economic rules. From the perspective of sustainable development, this study develops dimensions of "life," "efficiency," and "equity" to evaluate the impacts of farmland release on urban-rural development. The Delphi technique is adopted to verify those dimensions. In the dimension of life, three principles must be met: system diversity, system reversibility, and locality characteristic maintenance. In the dimension of efficiency, four principles must be followed: land use reversibility, recyclable economic model, land resource suitability, and location suitability. In the dimension of equity, three principles are included: the consideration of the cost of reversibility and substitutability, options of the decedents, balance of the advantageous and disadvantageous. The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used to confirm the evaluation structure. Based on the evaluation structure, this study explores the possible impacts of farmland release on urban-rural development. |