題 名 | 問卷設計中常見錯誤及其辨正之探討=Correcting Common Mistakes in Survey Questions |
作 者 | 賴世培; | 書刊名 | 空大行政學報 |
卷 期 | 8 1998.05[民87.05] |
頁 次 | 頁169-188 |
分類號 | 540.15 |
關鍵詞 | 問卷設計; 問卷調查; 民意調查; 社會調查; 市場調查; 研究方法; Survey questions; Social survey; Public polls; Market survey; Methodology; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文係討論問卷設計中常見的錯誤及其辨正。在本文�堙A作者提出幾點建議:一、不可以將問卷設計與測驗編製混為一談。二、調查名稱必須明確。三、遺詞造句中不可以籠統的傾向。四、不可以使用引導性及傾向性的語句。五、問卷設計的內容應以第一手資料為主。六、題目行間不可過於緊湊。七、留意問題順序及選項排序所造成的影響。八、排除與主題無關的題目。九、選項需具備周延性及互斥性。十、需注意選項與資料處理之間的關係。十一、以事前聲明某一問題為普遍行為來處理敏感性的問題。 |
英文摘要 | This paper tries to identify the common mistakes in the Questionnaire design. The author proposes the following suggestions: 1. Making distinctions between the survey questions and test. 2. The title of survey questions must be precise. 3. The survey questions should be neutural and clear. 4. Avoid using the leading questions and loaded questions. 5. The survey questions should be asked the people about first hand information. 6. Trying to keep the readable distance among questions. 7. Being careful about the sequent influence of question. 8. Getting rid of the questions, which are not connections with the survey. 9. The response's items should be exhaustive and mutually exclusive. 10.Thinking over the scale used in the survey questions. 11.Be careful to hand the sensitive questions. |