題 名 | 土地資源永續利用指標架構之建立--以中部區域為例=A Study on the Sustainable Land Resource Indicator Structure--A Central Region Case Study |
作 者 | 李永展; 何紀芳; | 書刊名 | 土地經濟年刊 |
卷 期 | 9 1998.07[民87.07] |
頁 次 | 頁73-102 |
分類號 | 554.5 |
關鍵詞 | 永續發展; 永續性指標; 中部區域; 德爾菲技法; 階層分析法; Sustainable development; Sustainable indicator; Central region; The Delphi technique; The analytic hierarchical process; AHP; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 自永續發展的理念揭�R後,不僅成為國際環境政策的共同目標,也是各國都市規劃、環境資源開發及保育所欲積極採行的指導性原則。作為我國國土利用整體規劃之綱要計畫 -- 甫修訂通過之「國土綜合開發計畫」 -- 亦秉永續發展之理念,期透過生活環境的改善、生活環境的建設、及生態環境的維護,重建國土空間秩序,達成兼顧環境保育與永續發展的國土空間利用與「三生」有幸的總目標。爰此,土地資源的永續利用應包含「公平保育」及「有效利用」兩部分,以達成國土資源的永續性,然而目前土地資源的使用經常處於不當或過度開發的狀態,未能善盡「開發」與「保育」並重的發展理念。 許多立論說明,永續性指標可提供永續發展在操作上的定義,作為實施永續發展策略之政策參考準則,並評估所採方案的有效性。有鑑於此,本文擬從永續發展的觀點,對於土地資源永續利用的意涵予以定位,並嘗試以中部區域為例,建立土地資源永續利用指標,把保育理念納入政府所推行的土地資源政策之中,以求進一步落實區域土地資源的永續發展於制度及執行層面。 本文首先定義土地資源永續利用的意涵,並對永續性指標的發展作一回顧,接著參考永續性指標之擬定原則選取指標,銜以德爾菲技法檢視其合理性與可行性,在永續發展的總目標下確立了三大向度、七個指標群、四十二個指標項的永續性指標架構。為使永續性指標在決策方案應用的評估有所貢獻,更以階層分析法決定各原則與指標間的權重,並應用在中部區域土地資源利用的永續性偵測上,冀能提供中部區域土地資源綜合利用決策之參考,最後為本文之結論與建議。 |
英文摘要 | Since the promotion of the Sustainable Development concept, it has become the common goal for global environmental policies. Moreover, the sustainable development concept has become the principal guideline for urban planning, resource development, and environmental conservation. Taiwan's National Comprehensive Plan also adopts the sustainable development concept to improve the living environment, to enhance the production environment, and to protect the ecological environment. Therefore, the sustainable use of land reource should include, at least, "equity" and "effectiveness" to achieve the sustainability goal. However, Taiwan's present land resource use is either in an improper use or over'use status, which significantly ignores the balance between environment and development. Many studies point out that sustainable indicators can provide operational definitions for sustainable development and can be used as a reference for policy making. Therefore, this paper, based on sustainable development concept, defines the context and content of sustainable land resource use. Using the Central Area as a case study, this paper establishes sustainable land resource indicators, which take into account conservation and protection of the environment and can be adopted to help implement sustainable land use. This paper first defines the context and content of sustainable development and reviews the development history of the sustainable indicators. Following that, this paper proposes principles for selecting sustainable indicators. This paper uses the Delphi technique to examine the feasibility of these indicators. Acoording to the Delphi result, under the sustainable development goal, there are three major goals, seven indicator groups, and 42 indicators. To help sustainable indicators contribute to the evaluation of public policies, this paper adopts the Analytic Hierarchical Process (AHP) to evaluate the weighting of sustainable principles and indicators. This paper also adopts these findings to examine the degree to which the indicators can help the Central Region to achieve the sustainable development goal. The final part of this paper is conclusion and suggestions. |