- 水能載舟,也能覆舟:由「殺夫」、「Beloved」中看「迷信」對應於主流意識型態之策略運用
- 非關色情--「性」在李昂《殺夫》中的意義
- 論李昂「殺夫」的女性意識覺醒
- 女性主義打勝的一場仗?--由李昂的「殺夫」談起
- 男尊女卑下的兩性關係--評李昂《殺夫》
- 李昂「殺夫」中性別角色的相互關係和人格呈現
- 《殺夫》、《暗夜》與《迷園》中的女性身體論述
- 從殺夫小說〈女陪審團〉與《殺夫》--探勘手刃親夫的隱喻世界
- 牽娘的手入繡廳,別人言語不可聽--李昂「殺夫」中的性虐待、性歡愉與性壓抑
- Taking Off: a Feminist Approach to Two Contemporary Women's Novels in Taiwan
題 名 | 水能載舟,也能覆舟:由「殺夫」、「Beloved」中看「迷信」對應於主流意識型態之策略運用 |
作 者 | 林慧雅; | 書刊名 | Graduate Student Research Papers |
卷 期 | 11 1996[民85.] |
頁 次 | 頁120-135 |
分類號 | 815.9 |
關鍵詞 | 殺夫; 李昂; Beloved; Morrison, Toni; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
英文摘要 | Butcher's Wife and Beloved are both written by woman writers. In these two novels, woman characters are the center of the novels and are used to present the issues of sex or race successfully. These two novels have been discussed broadly from various points of view since they were published. In this essay, I try to provide another way of discussion--to discuss the elements of superstition in these two works from the angle of ideology. The former presents superstition as a tool of partrichal society, therefore it plays a role as conspirator of mainstream ideology and suppresses women. The latter, instead, uses superstition to enpower the suppressed, and to question the values of dominant culture. I want to point out these two different strategies which Li Ang and Tonni Morrison use to present supertition in their novels, and also compare how superstition helps to discuss the issues which they care about in their novels. |