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- Taking Off: a Feminist Approach to Two Contemporary Women's Novels in Taiwan
題 名 | 李昂「殺夫」中性別角色的相互關係和人格呈現=The Sexual Politics in Li Ang's "The Butcher's Wife" |
作 者 | 林秀玲; | 書刊名 | 東海學報 |
卷 期 | 37:1(文學院) 民85.07 |
頁 次 | 頁53-66 |
分類號 | 863.57 |
關鍵詞 | 李昂; 殺夫; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文透過李昂〈殺夫〉故事的研究,希望達到以下三個目的:首先, 分析兩性的 權力關係,以便認識作為人的女性,她的基本生存權力和尊嚴是如何被男性抹煞和剝奪;其 次,探討兩性的權力結構如何影響女性與女性間的相處關係;在分析兩性權力結構的同時, 並進一步了解在這權力關係運作中人物的人格特質。為了達到上述目的,本文將分三部分加 以論述:第一部分,陳江水的性分配,將討論陳江水如何以食物來要脅林市,以及對林市施 以性暴力的事實;第二部分,林市的角色呈現,將分析在陳江水淫威下度日的林市,是在怎 樣的意識下,走上了肢解陳江水的結局;第三部分,阿罔官與林市之間的關係,將探討阿罔 官對林市似親近又冷漠的態度。 本論文大致根據馬斯洛( Maslow, A. H. )的「需要階層 」( hierarchy of needs )理論,作為分析陳江水、林市和阿罔官等人人格特質的基礎。 |
英文摘要 | This paper aims to accomplish the following three objectives through an investigation of Li Ang's story "The Butcher's Wife". First, it analyzes the power relationships between the two genders in order to understand women as people in their own right, and the ways in which their basic human rights and dignity have been trampled on and expropriated by men. Next, I wish to explore the power structure of the genders to examine how this bas influenced the way in which women relate to each other. Third, this paper probes into the character of those individuals who wield the power in male-female relationships. To a large degree, this analysis will use A. H. Maslow's theory of the Hierarchy of Needs as the basis for examining the particular characteristics of Chen Jiang-Shui, Lin Shi and Ah Wang-Guan, the lead characters in the story. In order to accomplish the above objectives, this paper is organized in three parts: Part One, Chen Jiang-Shui's sexual dominance, will discuss his use of food to threaten Lin Shi, as well as the level of Chen Jiang-Shui's sexual violence displayed towards Lin Shi, Part Two will look at the emergence of the character of Lin Shi, examining how she exists under the licentious in the denouement--the dismembering Chen Jiang Shui's body. Part Three, the relationship between Ah Wang-Guan and Lin Shi, will probe Ah Wang-Guan's ambivalent attitude toward Lin Shi. |