題 名 | 公共政策論述的倫理=Discoursive Ethics of Public Policy |
作 者 | 林水波; 王崇斌; | 書刊名 | 中國行政評論 |
卷 期 | 6:1 1996.12[民85.12] |
頁 次 | 頁1-26 |
分類號 | 198.5729 |
關鍵詞 | 政策論述; 論述倫理; 溝通理性; 有效性訴求; 歷史感知; Policy discourse; Discoursive ethics; Communicative rationality; Claims of validity; Historical sensitivity; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 本文主要從倫理學的角度,分析促成良善公共政策制訂,體現民主價值的政策論述,所應具備的性質與特徵。中心目的一方面企圖透過此依研究,對現實政策過程中所涉及的論述行為,提供一些方向的指引;另一方面,則是提供一個理念型的參照架構,作為批判不合理政策論述的基礎。政策論述的倫理,大體可分為行為倫理及主體兩方面。在行為倫理方面:論述的動機必須取向於相互了解;論述的方式則要在共同且完整的基礎上,針對政策問題進行推論;而傳遞論述的管道,則要合乎多元、易接近、公開的原則。在論述主體的倫理方面,則要由具備公共精神及公民資格者,彼此承認有效性訴求,並使訴求取得事實或驅向於事實的地位,以營造一個有效溝通的社會互動網絡:進而以分析及批判並重的態度面對環境,以避免環境對論述主體單向的不當宰制。最後,為了彰顯政策論述倫理本應具備時空現實性格,乃進一步分析強調其應用的必要性與可能性。本文特別以即將召開的國家發展會議,和理論進行擬人化的對話,以為本文的理論分析,找尋一個在現實情境中,能相互對照觀察的例證。 |
英文摘要 | The themc of the paper is to address, from ethics perspective, the required attributes and characteristics of policy discourse for promoting good and democratic policy-making process. The two core of purposes of this paper are: 1.to provide some guidelines of discoursive behavior involved in policy proccss; 2.to construct an ided-type framework of reference in order for criticizing unreasonable foundations of policy discourse. The paper furthly analyzes two kinds of discoursive ethics of public policy: behavioral ethics and subjectivity ethics. The requirements for achieving behavioral ethics are that: 1. the motivation of discourse is oriented to mutual understanding; 2.the style of discourse is based on common and complete back ground and reasoned from the nature of policy problem; 3. the communicative channels of discourse are multiple. accessible and open. The subjects of discourse should have public spirit and citizenship and dialogue claims of validity for gaining ethics. The claimcrs are willing to build an interactive network for effcctive communication and able to lct their, claims approach ,the status of fact. At the same time, the subjects of discourse should also confront environment with analytic and critical attitudes in order to avoid environmemal domination. Finally, in order to show ,the realism of ethical policy discourse, the paper also identifies the way to pragmatically use it. Conference of National Development is selected as an example to be dialogued with theoretic analysis discussed in this paper. By doing so, it is proved for the pragmatic power of ethics of policy discourse. |