- Circulating Intercellular Adhesion Molecule-1 and Lymphocyte Subsets Involved in Immune Response of Breast Cancer
- 豬瘟病毒感染後之細胞免疫反應
- 細胞免疫治療
- Modulation of Immune Responses to DNA Vaccines by Codelivery of Cytokine Genes
- 細菌性脂多醣(Lipopolysaccharide)刺激對家畜生長、生理及免疫反應之影響
- 綜說--表皮藍罕氏細胞在病毒感染上所扮演之角色
- T細胞免疫反應的調控機制
- 改變過敏原特異性第二型幫助性T細胞免疫反應--過敏病的明日療法
- Safety and Immunogenicity of a Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Acellular Pertussis-Inactivated Poliovirus Vaccine/ Haemophilus Influenzae Type B Combination Vaccine Administered to Taiwanese Infants at 2, 4, and 6 Months of Age
- The Effects of Cyclosporin A and FK506 on Liver Regeneration after Partial Hepatectomy in Rats