- Ultrastructural Studies on Splenic Microcirculation of the Rat
- C57BL/6小鼠脾臟的黑色顆粒沉積現象
- Identification of Erythropoietin Receptors in Isolated Membranes from Friend Virus Infected Mice Spleen Cells
- Influences of Tumor Cell Number upon Rejection Ability and Morphologic Response of Murine Spleen
- Effects of Splenectomy on Portal Pressure in Short-and Long-Term Potal Hypertensive Rats
- Effects of Continuous Calcitonin Treatment on Osteoclasts Derived from Cocultures of Mouse Marrow Stromal and Spleen Cells
- Augmented Secretion of Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha during Sepsis Following Splenectomy in Mice
- 托裏消毒飲對於照過Cs-137-γ射線鼷鼠數種血清蛋白及脾臟的影響
- 臺灣穀倉鼠害防除之效益評估
- 巴拉松對大白鼠運動神經元及運動終板超微結構的改變