- 具有吸流或噴流之連續移動平板的層流邊界層熱傳送
- 具有噴流或吸流之連續移動圓柱體的層流邊界層熱傳送
- 浮力對具有吸流或噴流作用之垂直移動平板的層流邊界層熱傳送的影響
- Unsteady Laminar Boundary Layer Heat Transfer from Stationary and Moving Plates to Power-Law Fluids
- 噴流或吸流對靜滯流預混火焰燃燒熄滅效應之研究
- Conjugate Mixed Convection Heat Tansfer from an Inclined, Continuous, Moving Surface
- Uniform Transpiration Effect on Coupled Heat and Mass Transfer in Mixed Convection About a Vertical Cylinder in Porous Media: the Entire Regime
- 含橢圓孔缺陷平板承受移動熱源之熱應力分析
- Effects of Suction and Blowing on the Formation of Longitudinal Vortices in Natural Convection Flow over a Horizontal Plate
- 羽球專項體能--肌耐力測驗項目的編制