- 噴流或吸流對靜滯流預混火焰燃燒熄滅效應之研究
- The Effects of Cross-Flow Incidence Angles on Combustion Characteristics of a Jet Flame
- The Flow and Thermal Structures of a Turbulent Combusting Jet in Cross-Flow
- The Velocity Ratio Effect on Flame Stability in a Liquid-Fueled Gas Turbine Combustor
- A Study of Lateral Jets in A Contoured-Wall Combustor
- 突張燃燒室中含壁面噴流之冷熱混合流場之熱傳分析
- 燃料噴射方式對後續燃燒過程之影響研究
- 超音速流經過彈底質量噴流砲彈的數值研究
- Experimental Study on Combustion Response of Corncobs in a Fluidized Bed
- Kinetic Theory Approach of the Twin Plane Jets Turbulent Combustion Analysis