- 黃斑粗喙椿象(Eocanthecona Furcellata (Wolff))食性之研究
- 即食性沙拉用生菜中Escherichia coli O157:H7之污染
- 捕食性天敵[捕植蟍、草蛉]在蟲害防治上之應用
- 關刀溪森林生態系的哺乳動物相
- 福山試驗林森林鳥類之食性觀察
- 餌料品質對鼠類喜食性之影響
- The use of dried edible microalgae as a substitute for pollen in the production of honey and egg-yielding
- Is There Current Competition between Sympatric Siberian Weasels (Mustela sibirica) and Ferret Badgers (Melogale moschata) in a Subtropical Forest Ecosystem of Taiwan﹖
- 利用捕食性小黑椿於害蟲生物防治
- Use of An Edible Soy Protein Film to Control Moisture Gradients in Frozen Foods