題 名 | 一念改過,即得本心--王陽明心學中「惡」之義蘊與去「惡」工夫的一些思考=Wang Yangming's Philosophy "Evil" the Implication with Elimination to "Evil" Some Ponders |
作 者 | 李瑋皓; | 書刊名 | 輔仁國文學報 |
卷 期 | 45 2017.10[民106.10] |
頁 次 | 頁65-93 |
分類號 | 126.4 |
關鍵詞 | 王陽明; 唐君毅; 惡; 良知; Wang Yangming; Tang Junyi; Evil; Conscience; |
語 文 | 中文(Chinese) |
中文摘要 | 自先秦以降儒者們對於人性是善是惡,且該如何「為善去息」之工夫多有所闡述。而到了宋明時期,由於宋明儒者們其義理義蘊皆是強調如何「修身成聖」,是故對於「惡」之來源,自是無法迴避之問題。本文旨在試圖以當代新儒者唐君毅先生義理為基礎,試圖論述在陽明良知教中,惡之來源與為善去惡之可能,是以本文之開展,從「先秦儒者與陽明如何詮釋『心性』開始論述;接著說明「陽明良知教中,『惡』之起源」;最後闡述「如何體現實踐去惡之工夫」。以下即依上述架構,逐步展開討論。 |
英文摘要 | Falls the Confucian scholars from the pre-qin regarding the human mature is friendly is evil, also how should "be the friendly remove evil" the free time has the elaboration. But arrived the Song bright time, because the Song ming Confucian scholar its righteousness principle implication all is emphasized how "practices moral culture the saint", therefore regarding "evil" origin, from is unable question of the evasion. This article of is for the purpose of attempting take contemporary new Confucian scholar Mr. Tang Junyi righteousness principle as a foundation, attempts to elaborate in the bright conscience teaches, possibility of evil origin and for the friendly remove evil. Is development by this article, "and how is bright annotation 'disposition' from the pre-qin Confucian scholar" to start to elaborate; Then explained "the bright conscience teaches, origin 'evil'"; Finally elaborated "how manifests free time of the practice remove evil" The following namely according to the above construction, launches the discussion gradually. |